Download Mastodon 2.2.4
Mastodon is not just another social network. It is a platform that brings together users in various communities around the world. Instead of one central website, Mastodon is a network of many servers that allow users to communicate and interact within their own communities.
Decentralization in Mastodon
One of the key features of Mastodon is decentralization. This means that control of the network is distributed among many servers, providing a greater degree of security and independence.
Main aspects of Mastodon
Mastodon users are free to interact, create communities and moderate them themselves. Open source makes the platform accessible to everyone and encourages its continuous improvement.
Benefits of using Mastodon
With a focus on privacy and the ability to customize the user experience, Mastodon provides greater flexibility and security for its members.
Using Mastodon on Android Devices
Mastodon's Android-based interface makes it easy to use. To get started with this social network on Android, you need to follow a few simple steps.