How to download a flash player to the VKontakte social network?

Как скачать флеш-плеер в социальную сеть Вконтакте?

Why do you think most modern users visit the Internet? It's probably not hard to guess that a huge number of people log into their social media accounts. And, probably, the most popular social network of our time can be called the VKontakte network. Let's talk a little about her. The VKontakte social network has a large and varied functionality. Here you can make friends, add and rate photos and videos, listen to music, watch videos and do much more. Let's stop at the point: "Watch video".

Most often, videos are viewed through the standard player of the VKontakte social network. Less commonly, videos are played in some other third-party players. In principle, in order to watch a video on the VKontakte network, you do not need to have any special skills. You must have quality browser, internet with good speed and, accordingly, an account on this social network.

But there's one catch. As usual, you log into the social network VKontakte and go to the video section. After clicking on any of the videos, you will see a message with similar content: “The version of your flash player is out of date. Please update to the new version.” No matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to watch a video on Vkontakte. Also, you will not be able to play games on this social network.

The solution to this problem is extremely simple. You just need to update the version of your Flash Player plugin. Most often, this action can be done directly on the VKontakte social network, but if this is not the case, then simply follow the following link

After clicking on the link, you will be taken to the official website of Adobe Flash Player, or more precisely, you will find yourself on a page on which you will be asked to install the latest version of the flash player in your browser. If you can’t open videos or games on the VKontakte social network, try updating the version of the flash player. It's not that difficult to do.
April 16, 2015 1
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  1. Shaty
    5 December 2023 14: 17
    I didn't know that you can download a flash player for personal use...