Getting rid of advertising in Yandex Browser

Избавляемся от рекламы в Яндекс Браузере

Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox, Opera We have already added AdBlock Plus to the list of useful plugins.

Thanks to this, users forgot about advertising, which interferes with working and relaxing online. But the pioneer among browsers, Yandex Browser, has not yet acquired such a function. What's the matter? This “oversight” can be easily explained. The fact is that Yandex Browser is the younger brother of Google Chrome. Since they are implemented on the same engine, which means they share all the extensions.

We integrate AdBlock Plus into Yandex Browser

Why do we use AdBlock Plus extension anti-advertising, rather than the generally accepted AdBlock?

The fact is that the original version of the blocker required a large allocation of RAM for its needs; AdBlock Plus is more economical in this regard. Uses three times less computer resources.

To install an anti-banner, do the following:

- Open Yandex Browser.

- Then use the AdBlock Plus extension from the Google Chrome store.

- After following the link, click on the “+ Free” button.

Избавляемся от рекламы в Яндекс Браузере

- We wait until it downloads and then installs.

- After which a red icon with white letters “AVR” should appear in the upper right corner.

- To activate the extension in the browser, click on the icon.

Every user can configure the extension. To do this, go to “Menu”, “Extensions”, and then “Tools”.

Configure the blocker at your discretion

Also, the settings will be available immediately after installing the extension. The context window will inform us about this.

It has only three conditions, which the user can accept or reject using the switch next to each of the lines.

Let's look at each button:

- First "Blocking malware" will protect the user from going to a deliberately dangerous page on the Internet, which has been observed distributing viruses and malware.

- Second “Remove social media buttons” - not all users will turn the switch on in active mode, because in this case they will not be able to rate articles on sites or comment on materials.

- Third "Disable tracking". Thanks to this condition, the system does not analyze the user’s movement on the network - it stops monitoring him. As a result, sites do not display advertisements with things and objects that the user had previously viewed online for the purpose of purchasing.

To get to the main settings of AdBlock Plus, you need to click on its icon in the top bar of the browser, and then select “Settings”.

Here you will see four tabs with main filters from the extension and additional ones from the user.

In the first tab, the developers placed the line “Allow some unobtrusive advertising.” If you check this box, loyal advertising will appear on the sites, which will still allow site owners to receive rewards. Perhaps, thanks to AdBlock Plus, advertising will appear on the Internet in a new beautiful shell, and we will forget about its former intrusiveness and aggression.
08th September, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    3 December 2023 15: 15
    I combine several blockers, including, of course, adblock. They don't conflict with each other.