Weather gadget for Windows 7

Гаджет погоды для Windows 7

A weather gadget on your desktop will always notify you of approaching rain or cold weather, a possible snowstorm or sultry heat. But where can I get it? Owners of Windows 7 can get a weather gadget in a few clicks, because it comes with the OS software. This means that it does not need to be downloaded from the network.

Next we’ll show you where to find it and how to send it to your desktop.

Installing a weather gadget in Windows 7

To begin, right-click on an empty space on the desktop. Select “Gadgets” from the list.

Гаджет погоды для Windows 7

A window with standard OS gadgets will appear. Here we can see gadget clock, weather, calendar, etc.
That Weather gadget appeared on the desktop, just double-click on the corresponding icon in the window or simply drag it.

To search for other gadgets, you can use the active “Find gadgets on the Internet” button. It is located in the lower right corner of the gadgets window.

When “Weather” appears on the desktop, you need to select the city for which you want to display the weather in “Options”. In the future, the gadget will be displayed every time Windows startup.
27th September, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    3 December 2023 16: 39
    What a nice little weather utility. I'll definitely install it myself.