Why Windows 7 won't boot

Из-за чего не загружается Windows 7

There are at least three common errors that lead to problems loading Windows 7. When errors occur, the system displays a short message on the monitor screen indicating the problem. It is these small guidelines that we will be guided by when solving problems that arise. Perhaps the most popular error is Disk boot failure, insert system disk and press Enter

It is characterized by the following situation: you turn on the computer, but instead of the usual loading of the Windows 7 operating system, this message is displayed to you. It means that the system has recognized the drive from which it starts as a non-system drive, that is, according to Windows 7, there are no system files necessary to run it on this drive. This can be caused by various reasons. Let's look at the most common ones.

Из-за чего не загружается Windows 7

Possible variant. A disc was inserted into the DVD-ROM or a flash drive was connected and your BIOS is configured so that by default it sets the launch of one of these media. As a result, the system cannot find the files it needs to run on a flash drive or DVD and reports an error.

Elimination. You should try to disconnect absolutely all external storage devices: phones, memory cards, flash drives and external drives. After this, you should turn on the computer again. Most likely, the system will start correctly this time.

It may be that the recommendations provided above will not help. In this case, you need, firstly, in the BIOS settings to set your system drive as the default startup device. And secondly, you should make sure whether the BIOS detects your system disk at all. It may be that it is out of order.

If the system correctly displays the system disk, you can use special tool for Windows 7 recovery. We will touch on this a little later, at the end of the article.

If the system does not display your main hard drive, you can try disconnecting it and connecting it back, or into the slot next door, if present.

Other problems can also lead to this error, for example, viruses, hard drive problem etc. In any case, it is best to first check the methods we mentioned. Most likely they will work. If not, then feel free to go to the end of the article, in which we indicated step-by-step troubleshooting for Windows 7 problems using the utility.

Error BOOTMGR is missing

Due to this error, you will also not be able to start Windows 7 correctly - a message on a black screen - BOOTMGR is missing. This problem can also be caused by various reasons, including all kinds of viruses. It can be caused by erroneous actions of an inexperienced user who accidentally changed the boot record of the hard drive. Also, physical problems of the HDD are often the cause of this error.

Elimination. Check whether the hard drive on which the system is installed is working properly. Seek help from the Windows 7 recovery environment, which is discussed below.

Error NTLDR is missing. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart

This problem manifests itself in almost the same way as the previous one. You should also use the Troubleshooting Environment to resolve this issue.

When starting Windows 7, the user sees only a black screen and a mouse pointer

If, when the system starts, the usual desktop with the start menu does not load, and all we can see is the mouse pointer, then everything is not so difficult and in the vast majority of cases it is easy to fix. Very often this error occurs if you, using an antivirus program, got rid of some serious virus that had already caused trouble and these same troubles were not fully corrected by the antivirus program.

Elimination. Restart your computer and as soon as the mouse pointer appears, click hotkey combination Ctrl + Alt + Del. The Task Manager will immediately appear.

In it you need to select the “File” menu in which to create a new task (execute). A dialog box will appear, in which you should enter the regedit command and press Enter. This will launch the Windows 7 system registry editor.

We will need to look through the sections in the editor:

- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows NT/Current Version/Winlogon/
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows NT/Current Version/Winlogon/

Now you need to edit the value shell.

With the first section, make sure that the Shell parameter is set to explorer.exe, if this is not the case, then install it yourself. In the second case, you need to go to the section and look: if there is a Shell entry in it, then it needs to be removed from there. Now all that remains is to close the registry window and simply restart the computer. Everything should fall into place.

And so, everything that we could not eliminate on our own, we eliminate using standard system utilities

In most cases, if problems arise when starting the operating system, we can see the Windows 7 recovery screen. It is this screen that will help us in restoring the system startup. If the recovery screen does not appear on its own, then the next time the system reboots we can call it up by pressing a key F8. Select "Troubleshoot your computer" from the menu

You will see a message that will contain information that system files are being loaded, you will also be asked to select a language.

If you have your own account, enter your details. If you don’t have an account, then leave the field blank.

Now we are in the system recovery window, by clicking on one of the links we can start an automatic search for problems that prevent our system from starting correctly.

As soon as problems are found, they will be automatically corrected by the utility. But it may also happen that the system utility does not detect problems. Then we can use the system recovery functions, this often helps if problems with starting the system arose due to the installation of a system update or third-party software. Since the service interface is intuitive, it will not be difficult to solve the problem. That's all. In 99% of cases, you will be able to solve one of the problems that leads to the Windows 7 startup error. Otherwise, the problem is in the hardware of your computer. You can also try reinstalling the system, if you are sure that everything is in order with the hardware. Good luck!
November 17, 2014 4
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  1. Vladimir
    12 August 2015 17: 54
    Many thanks to the author of this article. She helped me. Once I was experimenting with the registry and climbed into the section where there is Shell, the author writes about this. In general, I decided to write there: firefox.exe (There was a reason) It is clear that after this the system did not boot. While searching for problems I came across this site. When I “reached” the place where Shell was mentioned, I immediately remembered everything. Thanks again!!!!!

    PS At least the laptop would freeze for a few days... Still, life proves how useful such articles are!
  2. micha
    26 August 2015 10: 19
    Help me, when I start the computer, the Windows 7 sign is endless, I restart it now, restoring the startup, and even then it’s also sandy
  3. Kait.15
    26 August 2015 11: 02
    Micha, first try booting into safe mode (during reboot, press the F8 key until the Windows logo appears). Then, through the “Control Panel”, go to the “System Restore” menu and roll back the system to the moment when there were no problems with the computer.

    If your computer refuses to boot into safe mode, you can try booting from a LiveCD. You can download LiveCD from this link from your work computer, and then you need to burn the image to disk or create a bootable USB flash drive. Using LiveCD, you can check your system for errors and eliminate viruses that could cause the operating system to not work.

    Also, reinstalling Windows often solves the problem. If this does not help, then, as a rule, this is a symptom that the computer’s hard drive is severely damaged.
  4. Shaty
    3 December 2023 19: 37
    Yes, my Windows really scared me with this freeze! Thanks for clarifying.