Extensions. How to open a file

How to open this or that file? This question arises when we encounter an unfamiliar file extension. Below I will list many of these formats and indicate which program to open them with, as well as what they are. But first, I’ll create a small reminder.
File extension unknown
If you don't know what extension your file has, you need to do the following. Go to Control Panel and find Folder Options. In it, go to the View tab and find the item Hide extensions for registered files. Uncheck this item and now the file format will be indicated at the end of each file. It is indicated after the dot. Example: file.txt. Here's the format — txt.
How to quickly find the format on this page
To avoid scrolling for a long time and looking for a format, just click CTRL + F and enter the desired extension.
If you haven’t found the extension you need, write about it in the comments and it will definitely appear. All formats are organized alphabetically.
1cd: 1C.
3ds: Autodesk 3ds Max 2011, MeshLab, IMSI TurboCAD Deluxe 18, Google SketchUp.
3ga: Media Player Classic, VLC Media Player, Windows Media Player, Apple QuickTime Player, DVDVideoSoft Free 3GP Converter, Mobile Media Converter, FFmpeg.
3gp, 3gpp: VideoLAN VLC media player, Apple QuickTime Player, Roxio Easy Media Creator, MIKSOFT Mobile 3GP Converter, RealNetworks RealPlayer, MPlayer.
7z: 7-Zip, WinRAR, PeaZip, StuffIt Deluxe 2009, WinZip 12 Pro, ZipZag, ZipGenius, ConeXware PowerArchiver.
aac: Media Player Classic, Windows Media Player, Winamp, AIMP.
April: Adobe Photoshop, ABR Viewer, ABRView
ac3: Nullsoft Winamp Media Player 5.6, Nero Multimedia Suite 10, Microsoft Windows Media Player, CyberLink PowerDVD 10 Mark II
adf: ADF Opus, WinUAE, WinFellow, Cloanto Amiga Forever
ai: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, IMSI TurboCAD, ACD Systems Canvas
air: Adobe AIR, Adobe Flash
amr: AMR to MP3 Converter, AMR Tool, Mobile AMR Converter
bee: Winamp
app: An executable file for running applications on Mac/iOS. In Windows OS its analogue is the *.exe extension.
arc: WinAce, WinZip 12 Pro — Free Trial, Acubix PicoZip, ConeXware PowerArchiver, Smith Micro Stuffit Deluxe
arf: Network recording player
arj: ARJ or ARJ32 (ARJ Software), Zipeg
Arm: Windows AMR Tool, Mobile AMR Converter, RealNetworks RealPlayer, Apple QuickTime Player
arw: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, ImageMagick Studio ImageMagick, Sony RAW Driver, Sony Image Data Converter SR
asd: Microsoft Office
asec: Google Android SDK
asf: Media Player Classic, Zoom Player, VLC Media Player, Windows Media Player, Light Alloy
ashx: Microsoft Visual Web Developer, notepad
aspx: Microsoft Visual Studio, in any browser
ast: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat or Apple ClarisWorks
att: Weaver Software PostData Spider, Windows Notepad, other text editor
avc: Kaspersky Anti-Virus, Kaspersky Internet Security
avchd: K-Lite
avi: Media Player Classic, Windows Media Player, Zoom Player, MPlayer, VLC Media Player
awb: Kodak Imaging for Windows,Smart FaxSee,FaxSee Pro,Polybytes PolyView
bak: Autodesk AutoCAD
bat: Executable file, run by the operating system
bdmv: VLC Media Player ,CyberLink PowerDVD,Roxio Creator,Corel WinDVD
bdrip: VLC media playe
big: FinalBig,AssetCache Builder
bik: Windows Media Player with Windows 7 Codec Pack
bin: UltraISO, Nero, MagicISO
bkf: Windows Backup and Restore,Microsoft Windows NT Backup — Restore,SysTools BKF Repair
blu ray: Cyberlink PowerDVD 10
bmp: Paint.NET,CorelDRAW Graphics Suite,Adobe Acrobat,Adobe InDesign,Nuance OmniPage
bsa: BSA Commander,BSA Unpaker,FOMM (FallOut Mod Manager),FO3 Archive,Quick Morrowind BSA
bup: Nero,CyberLink PowerDVD,Corel WinDVD
bwg: BrainWave Generator
bz2: Windows WinRAR
cab: BobCAD-CAM,PRO Landscape,AutoSketch,ExtraCAD,LogiKal
cbr: STDU Viewer,Calibre,WinRAR,StuffIt Deluxe
cbz: Windows Comical, CDisplay
ccd: MagicISO,Smart Projects IsoBuster,SlySoft CloneCD,H+H Software Virtual CD,Lightning UK! ImgBur
cda: Windows Media Player, Apple iTunes, Nullsoft Winamp, RealNetworks RealPlayer, VLC Media Player
cdi: IsoBuster,UltraISO,PowerISO,MagicISO
cdp: N3V Games Trainz Driver, N3V Games Trainz Railway, Trainz CDP Batcher, Trainz Pro Routes CDP Browser
cfg: Bred 3, Notepad++, PSPad editor, Notepad
cfp: Cfont Pro
chm: FBReader, Caliber, Microsoft HTML Help Executable, xCHM
class: Eclipse IDE for Java Developers with JD-Eclipse plugin, Oracle Java Runtime Environment, dirtyJOE, JD-GUI
cpi: Adobe Premiere Pro, Roxio Creator, CyberLink PowerDirector, Pinnacle Studio
cpt: IrfanView, XnView, Corel Photo-Paint
cr2: Adobe Photoshop, ACDSee, XnView
crd: Notepad, Bred 3, PSPad editor, Notepad++ and any other text editor
crdownload: Google Chrome
crw: Software included with Canon camera, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, ACDSee Photo Manager, ACD Systems Canvas
crx: Google Chrome
csd: Manga Studio
cso: PSP ISO Compressor, CiSO Converter, Windows UMDGen
ctg: Cannot be opened manually
cue: Alcohol 120%, Nero, IsoBuster, UltraISO, MagicISO
cvs: Canvas X
cxarchive: minecraftovich
daa: PowerISO, UltraISO, WinArchiver, DAA2ISO
dat: Bred 3,Notepad++,PSPad editor,Notepad
data: notepad
dav: KMPlayer,DVR365 Player,DAV Player
db: Notepad, PSPad editor, Notepad++
dbf: dBASE, Visual FoxPro, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, DBFShow
dbk: WinZip, WinRAR, ALZip
dbx: Microsoft Outlook Express, MailNavigator, Windows Live Mail, OE-Mail Recovery, Remo Recover Outlook Express
dc1: Stata Labs Bloomba
dcm: Adobe Photoshop, ACD Systems Canvas, IrfanView, XnView, DicomWorks
dds: Adobe Photoshop, IrfanView, Microsoft DirectX Texture Editor, Nvidia DDS Utilities, Otaku DeskSpace
deb: 7-Zip (for lunix Alien)
dtu: deltup (Linux)
dem: Half-Life: Counter Strike, Hexen 2, VirtualDub
dff: DFF Viewer, RW Analyze, GTA Tools, SA Tools, Zanoza Modeler
dfx: Autodesk AutoCAD, Autodesk Maya, Logipole Konvertor, eDrawings, Softdesk Drafix
dgdat: won't open manually
dgn: Autodesk AutoCAD, Corel PaintShop, IMSI TurboCAD, Rhinoceros (Rhino), AutoDWG DGN to DWG Converter
divx: Media Player Classic, Zoom Player, CyberLink PowerDVD, Light Alloy, BSplayer
diz: Bred 3, Notepad, PSPad editor, Notepad++
djproject: After Effects
djvu: DjVu Reader, STDU Viewer, Caliber
dll: Windows Resource Hacker
dmf: DeliPlayer, StormSky RainbowPlayer, MODPlug Tracker or Player, Xtracker32, FMJ-Software Awave Studio
dmg: UltraISO, MagicISO, Acute Systems TransMac
dmp: Microsoft Visual Studio, Windows Debug Tools, Windows Kernel Debug, Microsoft Dumpflop utilit
doc: word, OpenOffice.org
docm: word, OpenOffice.org
docx: word, OpenOffice.org
dotx: word, OpenOffice.org
dsnv: OrCAD PCB Designer
dt: recode to 1s
dts: Apple iTunes, CyberLink PowerDVD, VLC Media Player, Media Player Classic, Corel WinDVD
dtshd: DTS-HD Master Audio Suite, DTS Surround Audio Suite
dv4: Bosch Security Systems Archive Player, Windows Media Player with Xvid codec, Media Player Classic with Xvid codec
dvd: k-lite, KMP and other programs that play video
dvdrip:Windows Media Player 11
dvr: Windows Media Playe, Media Player Classic, Microsoft Windows Media Center, WinDVD Creator
dwf: Autodesk AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor, IMSI TurboCAD
dwg: Autodesk AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor, IMSI TurboCAD
dxf: Autodesk AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor, IMSI TurboCAD
ecw: Erdas Imagine, ACD Systems Canvas, IrfanView, ArcGIS, TatukGIS Viewer
eml: Mozilla Thunderbird, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, Windows Mail, as well as any browser
emz: Microsoft Office, Microsoft Visio, XnView, Corel PaintShop, Logipole Konvertor
epf: 1C: Enterprise, 1C: Accounting
eps: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite, Inkscape, ACDSee
epub: Adobe Digital Editions
ert: 1C:Accounting
esp: Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Bethesda Softworks GECK
ex4: MetaQuotes MetaTrader, ex4_to_mq4, ex4_to_mq4 decompiler
exe: Double click, Resource Tuner, Resource Hacker, eXeScope
f4v: Adobe InDesign, VLC Media Player, Adobe Creative Suite
fb2: FBReader, STDU Viewer, CoolReader, Caliber, TequilaCat Book Reader for phones with Java
fbd: FBDMaker, MyHomeLib, Fb2Librarian
fdb: Extensis Portfolio
flac: Nullsoft Winamp with FLAC plugin, VLC Media Player, Roxio Creator, Adobe Audition, VUPlayer, Windows Media Player with CoreFLAC plugin
flv: Adobe Flash Player, Media Player Classic, Adobe Flash, Adobe InDesign, FLV Player
fp3: FastReport Viewer
frd:MS LiveMeeting 2007
frf: Font Monger, FreeReport
frp: Best Zvit
frw: KOMPAS, KOMPAS-3D Viewer (free)
fsb: Firelight Technologies FMOD Designer, Firelight Technologies FMOD Sandbox
ftp: Download Master
gadget: WinZip, Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Windows 8
gcf: Valve Steam, GCFScape
gdb: Embarcadero InterBase, Recoveronix InterbaseRecovery, IBExpert
gen: ESRI ArcView
gho: Symantec Norton Ghost Explorer, Symantec Norton Ghost
gif: ACDSee, ACD Systems Canvas, Paint.NET, XnView, Adobe Photoshop
gp4: Guitar Pro, TuxGuitar, DGuitar
gp5: Guitar Pro, TuxGuitar, DGuitar
gpx: Google Earth, Merkaartor, TopoGrafix EasyGPS, Microsoft Streets & Trips, Garmin MapSource
grp: Windows Program Manager Group Converter (file grpconv.exe), SmarterTools SmarterMail
gsm: Awave Studio, NCH Switch, SoX
gz: WinRAR, WinZip, 7-Zip, ALZip, StuffIt Deluxe
h264: Media Player Classic, Windows Media Player, VLC Media Player, BSplayer, Apple QuickTime Player
hlp: Adobe RoboHelp, Help Explorer Viewer, Microsoft Help Workshop, YpgSoft Windows HLP To RTF
htm: any web browser, as well as any text editor
html: web browser, notepad, as well as any text editor
ibk: ICE Book Reader Professional Russian Version
ico: IcoFX, Axialis IconWorkshop, ActivIcons
idx: CyberLink PowerDVD, VLC Media Player, URUWorks Subtitle Workshop, DVDSubEdit
ifo: VLC Media Player, Windows Media Player, Roxio Creator, CyberLink PowerDVD, Nero
igs: IMSI TurboCAD, Autodesk AutoCAD with IGES Import plugin, Autodesk Inventor, Autodesk 3ds Max, ACD Systems Canvas
ima: UltraISO, Nero, MagicISO, WinImage
img: UltraISO, Nero, MagicISO, WinImage
indd: Adobe Acrobat, Adobe InDesign, Adobe InCopy, QuarkXPress with ID2Q XTension plugin
ini: Notepad, Microsoft Office Word, Notepad++, Bred 3, PSPad editor
ipa: Install on iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad
iso: PowerISO, Alcohol 120%, DAEMON Tools, UltraISO, WinRAR
isz: UltraISO, Alcohol 120%, DAEMON Tools, WinMount
ithmb: iThmb converter
iwd: Activision Call of Duty 2, Activision Call of Duty 4, unpacking using WinZip 12 Pro - Free Trial
jad: MidpX, LogoManager Mobile Media Browser, JADMaker, as well as any text editor
jar: Java Runtime 1.1
jfif: any image editor or web browser
jnlp: Oracle Java Web Start, as well as any text editor
jp2: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Elements, ACD Systems ACDSee, ACD Systems Canvas, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite
jpa: JoomlaPack eXtract
jpe: IrfanView, XnView, ACDSee, ACD Systems Canvas, Paint.NET
jpeg: IrfanView, XnView, ACDSee, ACD Systems Canvas, Paint.NET
jpg: XnView, ACDSee, Paint.NET, Adobe Photoshop
js: Adobe Dreamweaver, any browser and any text editor
kar: Nullsoft Winamp, Light Alloy, KarMaker, KarPlayer, Recisio KaraFun
key: any text editor
kml: Google Earth, Merkaartor, SketchUp, Rhinoceros (Rhino)
kmz: Google Earth, Merkaartor, SketchUp, Rhinoceros (Rhino)
kwm: WebMoney Keeper Classic
lay: Splan, Sprint Layout
lic: Bred 3, Notepad, Notepad++, PSPad editor
lng: any text editor, as well as Nullsoft Winamp, Adobe Acrobat, Audiograbber, AVG Anti-Virus
lnk: Double click, Flint LinkInfo
log: PSPad editor, Notepad++, Bred 3, Microsoft Word, notepad
lossless: winamp
lrf: Sony Reader Library, Caliber, BookDesigner, Makelrf, Canon Book Creator, Microsoft C/C++
lst: Microsoft Visual Studio, as well as any text editor (notepad)
lvf: Logitech webcam software
m2ts: Sony Picture Motion Browser (PMB), CyberLink PowerDVD, VideoLAN VLC Media Player, Media Player Classic, Nero Show Time
m3d: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite, Askon KOMPAS, Sony EverQuest, Rockstar Games Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker
m3u: Nullsoft Winamp, VLC Media Player, RealNetworks RealPlayer, KMPlayer, Apple iTunes
m4a: Nullsoft Winamp, VLC Media Player, RealNetworks RealPlayer, KMPlayer, Apple iTunes
m4b: Nullsoft Winamp, VLC Media Player, RealNetworks RealPlayer, KMPlayer, Apple iTunes
m4v: Nullsoft Winamp, VLC Media Player, RealNetworks RealPlayer, KMPlayer, Apple iTunes
map: Atlas MapMaker
max: Autodesk 3ds Max
mcd: PTC Mathcad, SMathStudio Desktop
md5: IsoBuster, MD5Summer, MD5 Checker, SlavaSoft FSUM
md80: IsoBuster, MD5Summer, MD5 Checker, SlavaSoft FSUM
mdb: Microsoft Access, Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice.org Base, MDB Viewer Plus
mde: Microsoft Access
mdf: WinRAR, Alcohol 120%, UltraISO, DAEMON Tools, IsoBuster
mdi: Microsoft Office Document Imaging
mdl: MathWorks Simulink
mds: Alcohol 120%, DAEMON Tools, CyberLink PowerDVD, UltraISO, MagicISO
mdx: DAEMON Tools, Astroburn
mht: Opera, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Word, Kingsoft Writer, WizBrother WizHtmlEdito
mif: SISContents, Mif Manager (requires Python), SmartSIS, miftool (requires Python)
mim: Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, StuffIt Deluxe, WinZip, ALZip
mkv: Windows Media Player with Matroska DirectShow plugin, Media Player Classic, Zoom Player, MPlayer, VLC Media Player
mobi: FBReader, STDU Viewer, Caliber, Mobipocket Reader, Amazon Kindle
mod: FBReader, STDU Viewer, Caliber, Mobipocket Reader, Amazon Kindle
mov: Apple QuickTime Player, Windows Media Player, Media Player Classic, MPlayer, Roxio Creator
mp3: Nullsoft Winamp, AIMP, Media Player Classic, VLC Media Player,Windows Media Player
mp4: Nullsoft Winamp, AIMP, Media Player Classic, VLC Media Player,Windows Media Player
mpeg4: Media Player Classic, Zoom Player, Windows Media Player, RealNetworks RealPlayer, VLC Media Player
mpg: Media Player Classic, Zoom Player, Windows Media Player, RealNetworks RealPlayer, VLC Media Player
mpo: Adobe Photoshop, CyberLink PowerDVD, Stereomerger, StereoPhoto Maker, STOIK Imaging Imagic
mpp: Microsoft Project, Seavus Project Viewer, Stand By Soft RationalPlan, Housatonic Project Viewer, KaDonk LiveProject Viewer
mpq: MPQ Editor, StormLib Library, SCMDraft, Addon Studio for World of Warcraft
mpqe: MPQ Editor, StormLib Library, SCMDraft
mq4: MetaQuotes MetaTrader
msg: Microsoft Outlook, The Bat!, Priasoft MSG File Viewer and Assessor, Encryptomatic MsgViewer Pro, Pegasus Mail
msi: Microsoft Windows Installer, 7-Zip, Universal Extractor
mso: Microsoft Outlook
msu: Microsoft Windows Update
mtf: Klyaksa.net MyTest
mts: CyberLink PowerDVD, Ulead VideoStudio, Corel WinDVD Plus Blu-ray, Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum, Sony Vegas Pro
mus: Finale NotePad — free, Finale, SmartMusic
mxf: Avid Media Composer, Adobe Premiere, VLC Media Player, Sony Vegas Pro, Pavtube Video Converter
mxl: 1C: Enterprise, 1C: Working with Files
nbf: WinRAR, NBF Parser, NBU Parser, Nokia Suite
nbu: Nokia Suite, Nokisoft Noki, NbuExplorer, NBU Parser, Jumping Bytes Mobile Master
nef: XnView, Adobe Photoshop, ACDSee, Nikon photo RAW, Nikon View
nes: VirtuaNES, Nestopia, NesterJ, FakeNES, Jnes
nfo: GetDiz, NFOPad, Compact NFO Viewer, as well as any text editor
nfs: OpenVMS
nm2: Navitel Navigator
nm3: Navitel Navigator
npf: NTI Backup Now, NTI DriveBackup!
nrg: Nero, UltraISO, IsoBuster, MagicISO
nrw: Adobe Photoshop Elements, Corel PaintShop Pro, Nikon Transfer, Nikon ViewNX, Nikon Capture NX
o3d: javascript API
obb: Google Play Developer Console, 7-Zip, WinRAR
obj: Rhinoceros (Rhino), Autodesk 3ds Max, Autodesk Maya, Blender, Autodesk AutoCAD
odg: OpenOffice.org, LibreOffice
odp: Apache OpenOffice (OpenOffice.org) Impress, LibreOffice Impress, Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 and later
ods: OpenOffice.org Calc, Microsoft Excel, LibreOffice Calc, IBM Lotus Symphony, StarOffice
odt: OpenOffice.org (Writer), LibreOffice, Corel WordPerfect Office, AbiWord, TextMaker
ogf:OGF Master
ogg: Nullsoft Winamp, AIMP, MPlayer, BSplayer, VLC Media Player
oms: OperaVini PC Helper
one:Microsoft OneNote
orf: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite, ACD Systems Canvas, ACDSee
ost: Microsoft Outlook, Free OST Viewer, Microsoft OST Integrity Check Tool, Remo Convert OST to PST, SysTools OST Recovery
ozfx3: OziExplorer, Androzic, DeMapper
p7e: 7-zip
pages: Apple Pages — for MacOS, EZ Freeware Free Opener
pak: WinRAR, WinZip, Leinen PAK Explorer, Pak Explorer, Sprite Explorer
part: Mozilla Firefox, Free Download Manager, Go!Zilla, FlashGet, DrSiRiUs eMule Plus
pat: Adobe Photoshop, ACD Systems Canvas, Corel PaintShop, Corel WordPerfect Office, GIMP
pbo:BI Tools 2
pbp: PBP Unpacker, PSP Brew, psx2psp, EBOOT2ISO
pcb: Altium Designer, Altium Designer Viewer (free), Altium P-CAD, P-CAD 2006 Viewer (free), Cadence OrCAD
pck: Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager, Microsoft Preload Package Tool
pcx: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape
pdb: Palm Desktop, XnView, Caliber, Online PDF converter, iSilo
pdf: Foxit Reader, STDU Viewer, Adobe Reader, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe InDesign
pdn: Paint.NET, Chasys Draw IES
pdo: Pepakura Designer, Pepakura Viewer
php: You can open and execute on a server with php installed., Denwer
pkg: Apple Installer, CharlesSoft Pacifist
pln: Adobe InDesign
plt: IMSI TurboCAD, Autodesk AutoCAD, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite, Corel WordPerfect Office, IrfanView
pmd: Adobe PageMaker, Adobe InDesign
png: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, ACDSee, IrfanView, Paint.NET
pot: Microsoft PowerPoint, Kingsoft Presentation
pps: Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer, OpenOffice.org, Ability Office
ppsx: Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and later, OpenOffice.org, Ability Office Presentation, Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer, Kingsoft Presentation
ppt: LibreOffice Impress, OpenOffice.org Impress, Corel WordPerfect Office, Ability Office, Nuance OmniPage
pptx: LibreOffice Impress, OpenOffice.org Impress, Corel WordPerfect Office, Ability Office, Nuance OmniPage
prn: Free Raw Print, AllWeb FastPrint
prt: Autodesk Inventor, Blender, PTC Creo (Pro/ENGINEER), Okino Computer Graphics PolyTrans, Adobe Acrobat
ps: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, ACD Systems Canvas, ACDSee
psd: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Elements, Adobe InDesign, ACDSee Photo Manager, Corel PaintShop
pst: Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, MailNavigator, Microsoft Exchange Server, BitDaddys Email Open View Pro
psw: TextMaker Viewer
pub: Microsoft Office Publisher, Adobe InDesign with PUB2ID plugin, CorelDRAW
pwi: Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office OneNote, Microsoft Works
pws: ValuSoft Print Workshop
qdb: Intuit Quicken
qhf: QIP 2012, QIP Mobile, QIP PDA, QIP 2010, QIP Infium
qlitedb: SQLite, SQLite Database Browser, Navicat for SQlite, Sqliteman
qrp: Zyl Soft RepView, Dr. Regener QuickReport-Viewer, Responsive Software QRP Viewer, 3Engine QuickReport Viewer
raf: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop
ram: Real Media Player
rar: WinRAR, 7-Zip, WinZip, ZipZag, PeaZip
raw: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, XnView, JRiver Media Center, Dcraw
rcf: SonicWALL Global VPN Client
rdf: Mozilla Firefox, Oxygen XML Editor, Mozilla SeaMonkey, Altova XMLSpy, Liquid XML Studio
rec: Squared 5 MPEG Streamclip, VideoLAN VLC media player, Elecard MPEG Player, VideoReDo
rem: Research In Motion BlackBerry Desktop Manager
res: Delphi, C++ Builder
rms: RealNetworks RealPlayer
rmvb: RealNetworks RealPlayer, VLC Media Player, Media Player Classic, Adobe Premiere, Quicktime PRO
rom: Nemu64, Project64, UltraHLE, Mupen64, SupraHLE
rpt: Bred 3, Notepad++, PSPad editor, Notepad
rsc: Nokia Symbian rcomp
rtf:Windows WordPad
run: Run on Linux with the command ./filename.run
rw2: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, ACD Systems Canvas, ACDSee, Corel PaintShop
sat: Spatial ACIS Modeler, IMSI TurboCAD, Autodesk AutoCAD, Ashlar-Vellum Cobalt, Argon or Xenon, Kubotek CADKEY
sav: Half-Life 2, Dune, Another game that created the file
sch: P-CAD Schematic, P-CAD Viewer
scs: Bus Driver, SCS Prism3D, WinRAR, Scs extractor
sde: SDE Drumbeat Exported Data, SDE Steganos Disk Encryption File
sdf: dBASE, Pervasive PSQL, Rosenvick AspireGold
sfo: PBP Unpacker
sgdt: Various FreeSweetGames games
shs: Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel
shx: Autodesk AutoCAD
sid: MrSID
sig: Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, QUALCOMM Eudora, Crypto Pro
sis: Nokia Suite, UnSIS (UnMakeSIS), Easy SIS Creator, Palm OS Emulator, SISContents
skp: SketchUp, Rhinoceros (Rhino), IMSI TurboCAD
sldprt: Dassault Systemes SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor Fusion, Adobe Acrobat
smc: ZSNES, no$sns, Snes9x, SnEM, SNEeSe
smd: Gens, Gens Plus!, Fusion, HazeMD
snp: Microsoft Access
spb: Samsung Kies
spl: Splan
spr: Microsoft Visual FoxPro
spx: AIMP, VLC Media Player, Apple QuickTime Player with XiphQT plugin, Windows Media Player with DirectShow filter, Foobar2000
sql: Microsoft Access, Microsoft Visual Studio, Adobe Dreamweaver, Nvu, Navicat for MySQL
sqlite: SQLite, Sqliteman, Navicat for SQLite, Database Master, Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D
srt: SubRip, SRT2SUP, SubtitleCreator, Subtitle Edit
step: COMPASS, IMSI TurboCAD, Autodesk Inventor Fusion, Rhinoceros (Rhino), Dassault Systemes CATIA or DELMIA
stl: Autodesk Inventor, Dassault Systemes SolidWorks, IMSI TurboCAD, Rhinoceros (Rhino), Blender
sto: PRO100
stp: CATIA, QuickStep, Delcam Exchange, ideaMK STP Viewer, LKSoft IDA-STEP
sub: CyberLink PowerDVD, MPlayer, Universal Subtitle Viewer, SoftNI Subtitler Suite
svg: Adobe Flash Player, Corel PaintShop, Microsoft Visio, Inkscape, Merkaartor
swf: Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Adobe Flash Player
sys: Microsoft Windows, MS-DOS, OS/2
tar: WinRAR, WinZip, 7-Zip, AlZip, StuffIt Deluxe
tdb: eBay Turbo Lister
tec: FileViewPro.
tga: Adobe Premiere Pro, ACDSee, Adobe Photoshop, Inkscape, Apple QuickTime Player
themepack: WinRAR
thm: Microsoft Windows Photos, Microsoft Windows Photo Viewer, ACD Systems ACDSee
tib: Acronis True Image
tif: XnView, Corel PaintShop, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
tiff: XnView, Corel PaintShop, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
tmp: text editor
torrent: utorrent
tpl: Notepad, Bred 3, PSPad editor, Notepad++
ts: DRD Systems VideoReD, VobEdi, Squared 5 MPEG Streamclip
ttf: FontCreator, Windows Font Viewer
txd: VC TXD Viewer, TXD Builder, Vice TXD
txt: Notepad, PSPad editor, Notepad++, Bred 3 and other text editors
udf: IsoBuster, UltraISO, Nero, 7-Zip, MagicISO
udx: the program that created the file
uif: MagicISO, PowerISO, gBurner, UIF2ISO, UIF to ISO Converter
undf: Media Player Classic, Windows Media Player, CyberLink PowerDVD, K-Lite Mega Codec Pack
vbs: Microsoft Visual Studio, Adobe Dreamweaver
vcd: H+H Software Virtual CD, IsoBuster, PowerISO, Roxio Creator NXT Pro, WinMount
vce: Visual CertExam Suite
vcf: Nokia Suite, Palm Desktop, QUALCOMM Eudora, Open Contacts, Bailey Handy Address Book
vdf:all Avira products
vhd: IsoBuster, Virtual Server, Microsoft Virtual PC, WinMount
vid: Windows Media Player, Apple QuickTime Player, QTUM AVI Converter and other video players
video ts: JetAudio7
visio:Microsoft office
vmdk: VMware Workstation, VMware Player, VMware Server, VMware Fusion, Sun xVM
vmg: Nokia Suite, ABC Amber Nokia Converter, Notepad
vnt: notepad, as well as any text editor
vob: Media Player Classic, Windows Media Player, Zoom Player, MPlayer, VLC Media Player
vol: Dragon UnPACKer
vp6: On2 Technologies Flix for Flash video, Adobe Flash Player 8 or later, Windows Media Player with Storm Codec, VLC Media Player, Media Player Classic
vpk: GCFScape, Gibbed's VPK Extractor, VPK.exe from Left 4 Dead Authoring Tools
vrf: Flagship Industries Ventrilo
vro: VLC Media Player, Apple QuickTime Player with plugin, MPEG-2 Playback, CyberLink PowerDVD, Corel WinDVD
vsd: Microsoft Visio, Visio Viewer, Visio Document
vvf: VVFPlayer
w3g: Blizzard WarCraft III
wad: ZipZag
wav: Windows Media Player, Media Player Classic, Apple QuickTime Player, Nullsoft Winamp, AIMP
wbfs: WBFS Manager, WiiJManager, Wii Unscrambler, Wii Game Manager, Wii Backup Manager
webarchive: Apple Safari
webm: any browser
webp: Adobe Photoshop, Google Chrome, Opera, Logipole Konvertor
wim: 7-Zip, PeaZip, GImageX, WinMount, Microsoft ImageX
wlmp: Windows Movie Maker
wmf: Nero
wmv: Media Player Classic, Windows Media Player, CyberLink PowerDVD, Roxio Creator
wmz:7-Zip, WinRar
wotreplay: Wargaming.net World of Tanks, WOT Replays Manager, WOT Replay Parser
wps: Microsoft Works, Microsoft Office Word, LibreOffice Writer
wrl: Blender, IMSI TurboCAD Deluxe, Autodesk Maya, FreeWRL
wv: WavPack, AIMP
xap: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox
xls: Microsoft Office Excel
xlsx: Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Excel Viewer
xml: Oxygen XML Editor, Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Excel
xpart: XPlayerX
xpi: Mozilla Thunderbird, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla SeaMonkey
xps: Mozilla Thunderbird, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla SeaMonkey
xsd: Pattern Maker for cross-stitch
xsl: FileMaker or any program that supports XML stylesheets
xvid: Zoom Player, Media Player Classic, MPlayer, VLC Media Player
xz: 7-Zip
zip: 7-Zip, WinRar
Don't have the file format you need? Write in the comments and it will definitely appear on this list.
The program will also help you fight unknown extensions Smart File Advisor (follow the link you will be taken to the developer’s website).
Or try to find what you need on the sites:
- www.filefacts.net
- www.open-file.ru