Flash player does not work in Opera. Reasons and solution

Не работает флеш плеер в опере. Причины и решение

While using any browser, over time, a window appears asking us to update our browser. It is precisely because of these updates that the error occurs with Flash Player plugin. After all, the developers promise full functionality after the update, and, of course, how can you not believe them. In general, if you have a similar problem, then read the article to the end. After which you only need to fix it. Causes and solution to the problem with the flash player in Opera

There can be quite a few reasons why misunderstandings may arise with a flash player. And they are all resolved. If your flash player is not working correctly, you may notice glitches in the browser. Sometimes they even end with the browser closing. Simply put, working and watching videos in a browser becomes unrealistic. Common reasons why a flash player stops working:

• The most common reason is the release of a new version of the flash player online. This can be solved quite simply. You just need to go to the official website of this utility and download it. You can do this using this link - You can download and install the flash player absolutely free. After downloading, you need to start installation. It will take no more than 3-4 minutes. After which the computer will require a reboot (this is not in all cases).

• The second reason for this problem is incorrect installation of the utility. In such a situation, you just need to delete it, and then download it again and go through the installation path. You should not remove the flash player using a regular panel. After all, it will not be completely removed. You need to find a special utility called Uninstall Flash Player. It can also be downloaded from the official website, here is the link - In addition, you can remove the flash player using special programs, such as – Uninstall Too and others.

• The third reason is the incorrect operation of the new version of the utility. In this case, you need to remove the installed version, and then download one of the previous versions.

• The most common and common cause of a flash player not working in Opera may be its disabling. Simply put, you need to check whether it is enabled at all in the browser. This can be done using several steps, you just need to enter into the address bar of your browser - "opera:plugins.". In the window that opens we find the plugin Shockwave Flash, if it is disabled, then enable it. After which you just need to restart your browser.

• The reason for the flash player not working may be due to the version being too old. To do this, you just need to remove the old one and install the new one, and then do a certain series of actions:

1. Open Opera, then click F12. Using this key we access the settings menu;
2. Go to the tab "Advanced";
3. Open the subsection "Downloads";
4. Scroll down the list and we have to find the application associated with the flash player;
5. Double click on it, or just press the button "Change". Next, you can see the window "Change file type properties";
6. At the very bottom there will be a line "Use plugin" and several plugin options that will be used when trying to show flash;
7. You need to select a flash player, that is - "NPSWF32... ...dll". Most likely, there you will be able to see an extra line with unnecessary text. This means that third-party software was previously installed on your computer, and one of its applications registers itself swf files. This is what most likely caused problems with your flash player.
8. After which you will need to check whether third-party plugins have appeared in the line (point 4), which are somehow related to swf extension. For example, a line like this - "application/x-wacomtabletplugin swf". This line can cause your flash player to work inoperably in Opera.

• In addition, a problem with system libraries was recently reported, and corrupted .NET Framework 4.0 files. How to solve it:

1. Completely remove from your computer .NET Framework 4.0. You can do this using a simple panel Install/Remove programs;
2. Next, reboot the computer;
3. Download from Microsoft official website i ustanavlivaem complete .NET Framework package, then another reboot will be required, we don’t refuse.

That's all, we have analyzed many reasons and ways to solve the problem with the flash player. They can occur in any situation, viewing malicious sites, or downloading files. You should also clear your Opera cache regularly as this may also cause this problem. So watch your browser, friends. This article was entirely devoted to the causes and methods of eliminating a problem that very often occurs among users Opera browser. After reading the article, you will be able to fix this problem. Although, this is not a fact, since over time new problems open up, which are not so easy to solve. In general, use the knowledge gained for your benefit, I hope you will need it someday.
October 25, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    3 December 2023 17: 52
    It turned out that someone on my work computer had disabled the flash player in my absence. So check this first.