What is .MXL and how to open it

.MXL – extension of a spreadsheet document that is created using the program "1C: Enterprise". This program is designed to automate and simplify activities at a specific enterprise. Initially, this program was created specifically for management and accounting. Today, the program is used not only in the accounting industry, but also in other, unrelated areas. You can save a table created in this program in the format .MXL. But not everyone knows how to open such a file. Today we will try to solve this problem.
An easy way to open a .MXL file
The easiest way is to open the provided file extension using the program Excelincluded in Microsoft Office package. During system installation "1C: Enterprise"A converter should be installed automatically to open extension files .MXL. But, not all versions of Excel are able to open this extension. But don’t be upset, because Excel can be taught to do this. To do this, you will need to specify the path to the converter created by the system 1C: Enterprise, and then make some changes to the registry of your operating system.
But! You should know that you need to be careful when making changes to the registry. Setting incorrect values in the registry can lead to system crashes. And you will have to reinstall the operating system. Please remember that the changes you make are based on your preference. Fear and risk are still present.
How to open .MXL in Excel
• Initially you will have to close all active windows Excel;
• Next, let’s get down to downloading MXL.reg and save it to any convenient place, for example, on your desktop;
• If you have installed Microsoft Office 2003 и 1C:Enterprise installed according to the standard path - C:\Program Files\1cv77, then you can simply double-click on the downloaded file and agree to make changes to the system registry;
• While another version of the office or system is installed 1C:Enterprise installed in another directory, you should right-click on the downloaded file, and then select the tab "Change";
• In the third line of the file, you should change the version of Office from 11.0 to the one installed on your computer: 1. MS Office XP – 10.0; 2. MS Office 2000 – 9.0; 3. MS Office 97 – 8.0; 4. MS Office 95 – 7.0;
• In the fourth line of the file you will need to change the path to the 1C system from the standard C:\Program Files\1cv77 to your;
• Next, you will need to save the file and close it. Double click on this file and agree to making all changes to your registry;
• After everything is done, you can right-click on any existing file .MXL and select a tab "Properties";
• There we can see the bookmark "General", in line "Applications" push "Change";
• After which a small window should open for us, there we select "Microsoft Office Excel";
• That's it, all you have to do is click OK. After all the manipulations done, you can safely open .MXL files via program for creating Excel tables. This is one of the most convenient and easiest ways to open a file of this extension. I hope that this article will help you resolve this issue. After all, not everyone knows how and how such files are opened. Happy using.