What is .XSD and how to open it.

Что такое .XSD, и чем его открыть.

Expansion .XSD uses its own unique description language XML document. This scheme was invented in order to define the rules by which it obeys XML document. In the diagram .XSD The elements present in the document are determined. In addition, this scheme is able to define attributes, default values ​​and other components XML document. Files with the extension .XSD can be used as an alternative to .DTD files during definition XML Schemas. Many people are now interested in the question, how to open .XSD files? You can open files using a wide range of programs:


• Microsoft Visual Studio;
• Microsoft XML Notepad;
• Liquid Technologies XML Studio;
• SyncRO Soft oXygen XML Editor;
• Japisoft Editix;
• Progress Stylus Studio;
• Altova XMLSpy;
• Sublime Text;
• NotePad++ text editor;
• Adobe Dreamweaver;
• Or any similar text editor.

Mac OS:

• Adobe Dreamweaver for Mac OS;
• Bare Bones BBedit;
• Elf Data XML Editor;
• SyncRO Soft oXygen XML Editor;
• Also any text editor.


• SyncRO Soft oXygen XML Editor;
• Any existing text editor for Linux. In this article we explained what an extension is .XSD, and, of course, how to open it. The extension itself was briefly described. In addition, a fairly wide list of text editors for different operating systems has been created (Windows, Mac OS, Linux). In general, I hope that this article will help you resolve the issue - "How to open .XSD". Use the acquired knowledge for your own benefit.
October 25, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    3 December 2023 18: 01
    Who would have thought that this strange format can be opened by a simple text editor.