Review of the online dictionary "Multitran"

Обзор онлайн-словаря "Мультитран"

What does a person who is serious about learning foreign languages ​​need? First of all, this is, of course, quality translator. “Multitran” is a real find for translating text from a foreign language.

Today, when recruiting employees for highly paid positions, in-depth knowledge of foreign languages ​​is required. Therefore, for rapid career and personal growth, it is necessary to learn foreign languages, in particular English. Thanks to the Multitran online dictionary, people who are truly interested in learning a language will be able to significantly improve their language capabilities. "Multitran" is a large collection of various dictionaries (English-Russian, English-French, English-German, etc.). In total, Multitran has 16 dictionaries, the database of which is updated and improved daily.

The main advantage of Multitran is the results of translating words or set phrases. After entering a word (phrase) and selecting the language into which you want to translate, the service will display in the results any variations of set phrases in which this word can be used.

For example, if you enter the word “Bread”, then as a result you will receive a large number of translation options, among which, in addition to the generally accepted translation, there will be options for use in various terms, slang, sayings and proverbs.

For example, if we select the “Banking” section, we will see the familiar expression “Daily Bread”, and immediately next to it is its translation.
Обзор онлайн-словаря "Мультитран"
“Multitran” is an excellent expanded language dictionary that will help you learn not only a classic foreign language, but also a highly specialized one, helping you achieve significant success in a particular area. In addition, professional translators often resort to the help of the Multitran dictionary, which is a definite advantage when choosing online translator.
November 13, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    3 December 2023 19: 06
    I hadn’t heard of Multitran before, but now I’ve posted it. Excellent online dictionary.