Multitran online

Мультитран онлайн

Today it is not necessary to purchase the same English-Russian or any other dictionary. Times have changed, new technologies have appeared. If previously, when studying a language, it was impossible to do without a compact printed dictionary, today you can do something completely different. Thanks to the development of the Internet, today each of us can find completely different information on it. So, it is thanks to the Internet that we can use online versions of a wide variety of dictionaries. The most popular dictionary of this type today is the Multitran dictionary. What is special about this online dictionary? This online dictionary includes a huge variety of electronic dictionaries. Here you will find and English-Russianand German-Russian, and many other online dictionaries. So, speaking quantitatively, in multitran you will find more than 14 different dictionaries.

In this dictionary, almost all of its components are presented in full. So, English-Russian-English, German-Russian-German and French-Russian-French parts of the dictionary presented to the maximum extent.

As mentioned above, there are many other different online dictionaries. But why do users choose multitrans? Yes, all because its quality is very high. Thus, it is worth noting that the multitran database was created by processing a huge variety of paper dictionaries.

The online version of multitran has one more feature. Each user can report errors that he finds in the dictionary. Thanks to this, the multitran dictionary does not stand still, but is constantly being improved and improved. All actions that users enter into the dictionary will be subsequently considered by the administration of the multitrans and after these actions gain a sufficient quantitative ratio, they will be implemented.

If you want to use the online version of the Multitran dictionary, then just follow the link After that, you will only need to select the type of dictionary you need and start using it. If you don’t want to spend money on any paper dictionary, but you need a really high-quality translation of words, then you can use the Multitran dictionary. Its quality and reliability have already been appreciated by a huge number of people.
November 16, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    3 December 2023 19: 25
    What a wonderful multi-dictionary. I had never heard of Multitran before.