Popup windows. How to block them?

Всплывающие окна. Как их заблокировать?

This opportunity is provided both by the browsers themselves and by extensions for them. Of course, it is better to use, so to speak, “comprehensive” protection to prevent the appearance of unwanted windows. Browser setting

Modern browsers provide the ability to use built-in protection. To do this, users just need to launch the browser and perform a couple of simple manipulations.

For users Google Chrome: on the button with three horizontal sticks on the toolbar (upper right corner); “Setting"; "Show additional settings"; the section "Personal data"save me"Content Settings"; the section "Popup windows» select the option «Block pop-ups on all sites».

Here, by clicking on "Upravlenie isklyucheniami", you can add to the white list those sites from which pop-ups will not be blocked.

For users Yandex.Browser: on the square with three horizontal sticks in the upper right corner; “Setting"; "Show additional settings"; the section "Protection of personal data"save me"Nastroyki soderzhimogo"; the section "Popup windows» select the option «Block pop-ups on all sites».

Similarly, as in Chrome, here you can create a whitelist by clicking on “Upravlenie isklyucheniami».

For users Mozilla Firefox:

1.on the toolbar, find the item “Tools"; the option "Setting"; the tab "Content»
4.find "Pop-up blocker» and check the box.

You can also configure exceptions here.

For users Opera: on the Opera logo (upper left corner); "Setting"-"General Settings"; the tab "All» find section «Specify how to deal with pop-ups"And choose"Block unsolicited».

For users Internet Explorer:

1.on the toolbar, find the item “Service"; "Properties of the browser"; section "Confidentiality";
4.find "Pop-up blocker";
5.check the box next to “Block pop-ups».

Installing extensions

Using the built-in capabilities of browsers is often not enough to effectively block all pop-up windows. For these purposes, it is recommended to install a special application that blocks not only banners, but also other advertising. One of the best programs that gets the job done is Adblock Plus.

To install this extension for your browser, you need to click here, and on the extension page click on the “Install for...” button (instead of the ellipsis there will be the name of your browser). It’s nice that the extension works not only on the most popular browsers (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, Safari, Yandex.Browser (Yandex.Browser will be identified as Chrome, since it is almost a complete copy of it, and all applications available for Google Chrome, available for Yandex.Browser respectively)), but also for mobile devices on Android. However, you can choose a security application according to your taste. There are also extensions Adblock, Adguard and others, but the principle of their operation is not very different from each other.
November 17, 2014 2
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  1. ahhlov
    2 December 2023 20: 50
    The article is very good and useful!! Thank you
  2. Shaty
    3 December 2023 19: 39
    And I combine adblock with other blockers. Works great.