How to resolve error 0x0000007b?

Как устранить ошибку 0x0000007b?

Fortunately, given how annoying the blue screen of death can be for some users, error 0x0000007B is not that dangerous, and at the same time it is very common among users. However, sometimes you will have to tinker before you can eliminate it, because there can be several reasons for this error. So, error 0x0000007B indicates that the Windows operating system lost access to the system partition during startup. However, various necessary solutions to this problem are indicated in the BSOD itself. Of course, for ordinary users this information is often useless due to its brevity. Therefore, let’s look at ways to solve error 0x0000007B in more detail.

1. Restart your computer, and while rebooting, press F8 (you must press this key before the "Download Windows" To do this, when the PC starts booting, quickly press F8 several times, so to speak, for sure) and select “Download the last successful configuration».

2. Use an antivirus or Dr.Web CureIt healing utility to scan your computer, it is necessary to check the Master Boot Area of ​​the hard drive first, since this is where viruses can be located. Malicious files that end up in the boot sector are often the reason why the system displays error 0x0000007B. This solution is relevant for cases where the problem occurs periodically, and does not occur every time instead of booting the system.

3. Run the system utility to check the disk for damage. To do this, go to "My Computer", right-click on "Local drive C», vyberite point «<font><font>Materials</font></font>", go to the tab "Service" and press "Vypolnit prooferku" In chapter "Disk check».

Как устранить ошибку 0x0000007b?

In the window that opens, make sure both checkboxes are checked and click “Release" If you receive this error

then restart the computer, after which the disk check will begin automatically. In this case, the check will be carried out before the system starts, so there is no need to worry if you see a screen similar to BSOD.

In case Windows cannot boot, you will need to use zagruzochnuyu flashku (which you, of course, should always have ready). To boot from it, you need to set boot from a USB device in the BIOS settings (there is no single instruction for settings in the BIOS, so when you start your PC, press F12 or Del and look for the parameter Boot Device Priority or First Boot Device, where choose your flash drive). When booting via LiveCD, select "Parameter restoration system" and use the item "Command line».

Write in it “chkdsk c: / f / r" (without quotes), where "c:" - your drive letter, "/f" is a command for automatically correcting detected errors, and "/r"- search for bad sectors and restore them, does not work without "/f". After completing the check, try restarting the computer by removing the boot from the flash drive.

4. If you have recently connected various hardware to your computer, such as controllers or hard drives, then remove them and try to boot. If the system does not start because of a new hard drive, then perhaps the incompatibility of the Windows version with the firmware of the disk is to blame. If other devices are to blame, then it is probably due to an I/O or IRQ port conflict.

5. If a stop error occurs after installing the driver for the hard drive, then it is incompatible with the Windows version.

6. If you have just installed Windows 7, and have already received this error, then the problem lies in the fact that Windows has not yet learned to switch from one driver to another freely. That is, when the SATA mode for the boot disk is changed and the disk driver is disabled, then Windows boot will be stopped abnormally with error code 0x0000007B. In this case, you need to do the following. Press on keyboard hotkey combination Win + R, in the window that opens, write “regedit" (without quotes), follow the path "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\msahci", double-click on the parameter Home and in the section "Value"Instead of"3" put "0" We hope that this instruction will help you deal with error 0x0000007B.
November 22, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    3 December 2023 20: 01
    Oddly enough, after checking the disk the blue screen no longer appeared.