Features and basic search techniques in Yandex
Everyone probably often encounters a situation where, when searching, Yandex provides tens, or even hundreds of millions of documents found. Are you really ready at this moment to dig through possibly incorrect documents?
Someone will probably ask: why is this necessary? Of course, this may seem like an easy task, but sometimes it can be difficult to find the answer. The search has auxiliary buttons through which you can find out additional information, namely advanced search. Advanced search is a wonderful subsection of the entire Yandex search system, as if created for optimizers: it allows you to find pages on any site that are most suitable for the selected search query.
To search for information on the Internet using Yandex, it is not at all necessary to know all the intricacies of a search engine, but knowing some simple rules will make this process more effective. In addition, it will suit you for work absolutely any browser.
- A simple request is formulated in natural language. It can be one word or phrase. Yandex will search for all word forms.
- Always use multiple words for more precise wording.
- The Yandex search engine searches the Internet using a key phrase not only for web pages, but also for pictures, videos and even people.
Basic search constructs
In many cases, the quality of a search result can be improved by using a query language.
For a more accurate search, you can use the following techniques:
Conclude the request in «» for precise search.
Use | to search for information with any of the words in the list.
To find words in one sentence, use &
+ Highlight the required word.
- exclude words. site: will help narrow down the search to the site. For example, you need to find all articles that mention the word computer on the website web-komfort.ru.
For those who found this not enough and who do not want to deal with more complex elements of the query language, I recommend using the advanced search. To do this, follow the direct link http://yandex.ru/search/advanced/. Then set the necessary search criteria.
The fields can be combined in any order. When the settings are complete, click the “Find” button. You can construct complex expressions from search language operators, making your search even more targeted.
If you are interested in the query language, please refer to the Yandex help system. And that's all for today. I hope that the recommendations given in this article will help you find the information you need faster and with greater accuracy.