Setting up Yandex search

Настройка поиска Яндекс

Yandex.Search convenient enough on its own. However, it has extensive capabilities for customizing the interface, which we will discuss in this article.

Many Internet users (and more specifically, the Runet segment) do not even realize that the search page in Yandex can be customized for themselves. But this allows you to display the necessary information, delete unnecessary information, and also arrange it in a way that is convenient for you! Let's take a closer look at this possibility. Yandex is configured on the page v lyubom browserinstalled on the computer. This site belongs entirely to the service itself.

Let's start from the very top: Setting up the city. By clicking on the link, we set the city to "Default". You can also check the “Do not specify my location” checkbox so that the site no longer asks if you are in a particular city.

“Setting the interface language” - everything is also clear. There is only one point here, select the language and return.

"Setting up search results" - sets the default display of search results. The most optimal settings are automatically set here, but you can adjust them to suit yourself.

  • Document description: either standard or expanded with additional information;
  • Open what you found - in the search window or in a new window;
  • Documents per page - how many query results will be returned: 10 (default), 20, 30 or 50;
  • Graphics - whether it is necessary to display graphic banners and pictures or website icons. Necessary to save traffic;
  • Interface language - choose between Russian, Ukrainian, Kazakh, Belarusian and Tatar;
  • Interface - standard or without AJAX scripts;
  • The language of the documents found is either any or selectively - Russian, English, French, German, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Tatar or Kazakh;
  • Page filtering - family search is the most strict filter, not displaying any “forbidden” pages for children, moderate filter - standard, without restrictions - the results are not filtered at all;
  • Query correction - automatically, or with a hint of options;
  • Search results - whether to take into account search history in Yandex;
  • Search suggestions - whether or not to show queries or favorite sites in the suggestions;
  • Whether or not to record the history of the "My Finds" service.

That's sorted out. Let's go back.

Now - settings for the "My Finds" service, which is responsible for storing requests to Yandex. Here you can either enable history recording or stop recording.

In the "Search Suggestions" menu, you can check "Search Suggestions", "My Queries in Search Suggestions", clear your query history, and also enable "Favorite Sites in Suggestions".

In the "Show banner on home page" menu, you can enable or disable the advertising banner on the home page. Advertising, as a rule, is formed from search queries, which means it can be useful. Off by default.

“Taking into account the range of interests for displaying advertising” - Yandex.Direct collects information taking into account your behavior on Yandex or in the Yandex Advertising Network. In this menu you can disable taking into account your range of interests when displaying advertising. Now Yandex search has become more personalized, and therefore more convenient! Enjoy it for your health!
December 21, 2014 3
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  1. irakli
    20 March 2015 11: 41
    The question is the following: after searching in Yandex, 5 pages appear and then the next inscription I click goes not to 5 but to the second one, how?????? make the following inscription appear and when clicked, immediately go to page 5 or further,,,?????
  2. Nikolaybogdanovich
    20 March 2015 15: 48
    irakli, the Yandex search system provides that when you click on the next one, it is moved in order: from 1 to 2, from 2 to 3, from 6 to 7, etc.. If you need to go, for example, to 10 , then click on 5, then on 7, on 9 and finally on 10. Yandex simply illuminates only 5 pages at a time.
  3. Shaty
    4 December 2023 11: 10
    I like Yandex search more than others.