How to learn fast typing on the keyboard

Как научиться быстрой печати на клавиатуре

Just a few years ago, computers began to appear en masse in every home. And today users are looking for all kinds of ways to learn how to quickly type on a keyboard. To learn more about the touch typing method, read this article.

Fast typing on the keyboard has many advantages, including saving time, rhythmic typing (which will significantly reduce physical fatigue of the hands), speedy employment in the desired position (which, of course, will be closely related to working on a computer), logical and complete presentation of thoughts . Therefore, users, in an attempt to learn how to type quickly, attend courses that not only take up precious time, but also money. And as a rule, the cost of such courses is quite high. You can learn this craft, with a significant amount of desire, at home.

Basic rules for fast typing on the keyboard.

1. The key to effective work is the right tool. Give preference to keyboards that are chosen by professionals - ergonomic ones, where the letters are divided into two parts for the right and left hands. Thanks to such a keyboard, your hands will get much less tired, and typing text on it will be much more convenient.
Как научиться быстрой печати на клавиатуре

2. Also, one of the most important aspects of fast printing is the correct workspace. The rules for working at a computer are clearly visible in the image below.

3. When a child begins to learn his native language, he begins to learn the alphabet. It’s the same here: before learning how to quickly type, you need to learn the location of letters and symbols on the keyboard. This can be done, for example, in the following way: For 10-15 seconds, look at one letter row out of three and try to remember the location of the letters in this row. After the time has passed, take paper and pen and play the memorized series. Repeat the task several times for each row until you make no mistakes.

Then you can proceed to printing the alphabet. Start typing letters on the keyboard, starting with the letter A and ending with Z. You should quickly type the desired letter without wasting time searching for it.

4. The number of fingers used greatly affects the typing speed. If you use several fingers when typing, your results will be significantly lower than if you used all 10 fingers. Some programs for teaching fast typing also teach the correct placement of fingers. At first it will be very difficult to relearn, however, after some time you will see obvious results.

5. Regularity is very important. It is impossible to learn fast typing by studying 2-3 days a week. If you are serious about learning to type quickly, then try to devote at least 20 minutes to training every day.

Touch typing method on the keyboard.

As the name suggests, the method involves typing text on the keyboard with your fingers, but without keeping your eyes on the keyboard.

When learning this method, your hands should be placed on the front of the laptop or on the wrist rest (for an ergonomic keyboard).

To work with this typing method, you need to remember which keys belong to which finger.

There are a total of 6 rows of buttons on the keyboard. The top row, including the f1-f12 buttons, is used extremely rarely, because This is an auxiliary keyboard row, so it is not taken into account in the touch typing technique.

The next keyboard row contains numbers, so its use depends on the type of activity you do. Some users often use the secondary number pad, which is located on the right side of the keyboard, instead of the top number row, so here you should focus only on your preferences.

And finally, the third row, from which teaching touch typing begins. There is no single way to place your fingers on the keyboard, however, the image below shows the most common one, which is used in most programs for teaching fast typing.

You need to remember the bindings of your fingers to certain buttons as follows: first you should remember the letters of the index finger of your left hand, then your right. By analogy, gradually move on to the middle fingers, ring and little fingers. The simulators given at the end of the article contain special dictionaries containing words for training each finger. In addition, these simulators work online, which means they can work v lyubom browserinstalled on your computer. Summarize. The touch typing method should ideally be trained to such an extent that you can put the desired letter without thinking, thereby developing “muscle memory” of your fingers Of course, this skill will not appear in one or two days, but with regular training, you will be able to master this skill in a short time.

Online services for learning fast typing:

1. “Klavogonki”;

2. “All 10”;

3. "VerseQ Online";

4. "Time Speed".
November 24, 2014 4
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  1. Dmitriy
    30 August 2015 14: 58
    I want to share my experience. I used to think it took months to learn. I have bad memories from SOLO, where you drill one letter, then a friend, then them together, you make mistakes, you feel wooden and incapable of learning. I studied for more than a week at one time and quit when I couldn’t complete one level for several hours. Several years have passed since then. But I felt there was a way and I found it. I mean the VerseQ program. What do you think, only TWO DAYS! solved my problem. Seriously, I was so glad I installed it for my parents. The result was repeated, also for two or three days, less than 4 hours. Of course, their speed is still low, but you no longer need to look at the keyboard. Within a month I reached a speed of over 200, doing 20-30 minutes a day. Try it! Everything is not as complicated as it seems. I wrote a review of this program on my blog. Stop by. I’ll leave a link to make it more convenient for you
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