Keyboard trainer Stamina

Клавиатурный тренажёр Stamina

The developer of the universal finger trainer is Alexey Kazantsev. He endowed his brainchild with a considerable amount of humor and friendliness. For this, the program is so loved by the modern user. Previously, special courses were held to teach typing, but now everyone can do this on their own, just behind the screen of their computer. There are several modes for training. The first “Lesson” will introduce you to the location of the main letters on the keyboard, the rules for the position of hands and fingers, and the features of fast typing.

Клавиатурный тренажёр Stamina

Then you can move on to the next steps - printing a set of letters standing next to each other or small words. All this needs to be done looking only at the screen, and not at the keyboard.

For more advanced users, a second mode has been developed - “Phrase”. A whole phrase will be displayed on the program screen, which you need to quickly write. She trains well dialing speed.

An interesting mode is “Letters from phrases”. It will be useful to those who have successfully learned the previous lesson. From the lines that are presented in the “Phrase” mode, individual first letters or several letters are torn out. The user needs to automatically fill in the missing word. This process is carried out so automatically that you don’t even need to think about the meaning of the phrase or logically supplement it.

The “Letters from phrases” mode is the most difficult. The user is asked to quickly type a set of all kinds of letters that exist in nature. At first, this is a test for the most reserved. After all, there will be simply countless mistakes!

The most commonly used is the “External File” mode. It is enough to upload any text file, for example, Microsoft Office package, and simply type its text in the program. And it will automatically count characters, correct errors and track typing speed.

All completed results are scrupulously tracked by the program. You can view them in the special “Progress” function. Moreover, both positive results and failures remain here. Unnecessary information can be easily filtered out. Stamina will not only help with traditional training plans, but also has methods for using hand and finger positions in creative ways. This program provides a wide range of actions to choose from and will be an excellent helper for children and adults. in teaching computer typing.

Download Stamina for free

Download the program from the official website
February 10, 2015 1
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  1. Shaty
    5 December 2023 07: 37
    I liked Stamina as a simulator. I practiced for a couple of hours.