How to send a beacon from MTS

Как отправить маячок с МТС

Agree that there are situations when you forgot to top up your account, and you urgently need to contact a person. Of course, you can go to the nearest terminal and simply deposit money into your personal account or use call service at the expense of the interlocutor. But what if this terminal is very far away? And, perhaps, you simply won’t have time to go to it. There is a way out of this situation. In order to contact someone by phone with a zero balance, you can use several methods. And one of these methods is a “beacon”.

MTS calls this service “Send a beacon” or simply “Call me back.” To use this service, you need to enter the following combination *110*subscriber number without 8#. After that, press the call key.

After this, the subscriber to whom the beacon was sent will receive a message with the following text: “Call me back, please.” It is also worth noting that this service has a limitation. It can be used no more than 5 times a day. And also do not forget that this beacon can only be sent to three cellular operators, namely MTS, Megaphone and Beeline. As you can see, even with a zero balance, you can contact the people you need by phone with an MTS SIM card.
November 29, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    4 December 2023 06: 47
    We call it differently, Something to do with rats))))