How to make a call on Beeline with a zero balance?

The most famous and popular mobile operators today are MTS, Beeline and Megafon. This also includes the cellular operator and Tele 2. But this operator, unlike all the others, does not operate in all regions of our country. Today we will talk about one of the services provided by mobile operator Beeline. Gone are the days when Beeline subscribers who have your account has a zero balance, couldn't call anyone. The last expression means that subscribers could neither call, nor send SMS, nor go online. Today, the mobile operator Beeline offers its customers several services that are convenient to use with a zero balance.
“Call at the expense of the interlocutor” is just one of these services. With this service you can contact other subscribers of the Beeline mobile operator, even if your balance is 0 rubles. You do not need to activate this service and pay a subscription fee for it.
In order to use the "Call at the interlocutor's expense" service, you need to dial the following number on your phone "0550+number of the called subscriber". The subscriber's number after the numbers 0550 must be dialed without 8. There is one nuance in this service; the conversation will begin only when the subscriber gives his consent to accept the incoming call.
It is also worth noting that you can use the “Call at the expense of the interlocutor” service no more than 15 times a day. Today, almost all cellular operators provide their subscribers with services that allow them to make calls even with a zero balance. Thanks to such services, you will always stay in touch with your loved ones and friends.