cmd commands

So, in Windows OS there is one very useful thing called the command line. Perhaps many people know what it is, but for those who don’t know, it will be useful to know. Command Prompt is a software product in Windows through which the user can directly access the operating system. The Windows command line uses special commands called cmd commands. It is worth noting that there are a lot of such commands and each of them performs a specific function. So, let's start with cmd commands that begin with an English letter A:
1) Append - with this command the user can open files from the specified folders, as if they were in the same current folder.
2) Arp - using this command you can view data in the ARP protocol tables.
3) Assoc - with this command you can change the association of files.
4) At - with this command you can launch programs at the time you specify.
5) Attrib - you can change the attributes of various files or folders.

Let's move on to commands that begin with an English letter B:
1) BCDBOOT - using this command you can create or restore a system partition.
2) BOOTCFG - you can change the Windows boot settings.
3) Break - turns on the CTRL+C key combination processing mode.

Commands that start with a letter С:
1) Cacls - the ability to view and edit file access control lists.
2) Call - this command makes it possible to call one batch file from another.
3) Chkdsk - checking the disk status.
4) Chdir - the current directory is displayed or changed.
5) Chkntfs - display or change disk parameters during boot.
6) CLEARMEM - clears the cache memory.
7) CIPHER - file encryption.
8) CLS - command line screen clearing.
9) Cmd - opens a new command line window.
10) Color - set the color for the text and background.
11) Convert - converting the FAT volume file system to NTFS.
12) Copy - copying one or more files.

Letter commands D:
1) Date - you can display the current date or set a new date.
2) Debug - editing programs.
3) Defrag - disk defragmentation.
4) Del - deleting files.
5) Devcon - an analogue of the device manager.
6) Dir - displays a list of files and subfolders from a given directory.
7) Diskperf - disk performance counter.
8) Driverquery - view the list of installed device drivers and their properties.

Teams on E:
1) Echo - display messages and switch the mode of displaying commands on the screen.
2) Edit - launch the MS-DOS editor.
3) Edlin - runs line by line text editor.
4) Erase - deleting files.
5) Eventcreate - using this command, the computer administrator can create a record of a special event.
6) Exit - end the command line.

Teams on F:
1) Fc - comparison of two files or two sets of files.
2) Find - search for a text string in files.
3) Finger - displays information about users of this system.
4) For - execution of the specified command for each set of files.
5) Format - formatting the disk for working with Windows.
6) Ftp - file transfer program.

Teams on G:
1) Getmac - displays the MAC address of the computer's network adapters.
2) Gpupdate—updating group policies.

Teams on H:
1) Help - displays an incomplete list of commands that are used in cmd.
2) Hostname - display the computer name.

Teams on I:
1) If - operator for conditional execution of commands in a batch file.
2) Ipconfig - displays the subnet mask, default gateway and information about your IP address.

Teams on L:
1) Label - creating, changing and deleting volume labels for a disk.
2) Logoff - ending the Windows session.
3) Lpr - directing a print job to a network printer.
4) Lsass—definition of local protection.

Teams on M:
1) Md - creating a folder.
2) Mem - information about used and free memory.
3) Mode – debugging of system devices.
4) More - sequential output of data in parts the size of one screen.
5) Move - moving and renaming files and directories.
6) Msg - sending messages to the user.
7) Msiexec - launch the Windows installer.

Teams on N:
1) Nbtstat - statistics of the protocol and current TCP/IP connections using NBT.
2) Net - an application package designed to work with the network.
3) Netsh - local or remote display of network parameters.
4) Nslookup - output information intended for DNS diagnostics.
5) Ntsd - command line debugger.

Teams on O:
1) Odbcconf - setting up the ODBC driver.
2) Openfiles - displays a list of open files and folders that were opened in the system.

Teams on P:
1) Pagefileconfig - the ability to configure paging files and virtual memory.
2) Path - displays the search path for executable files.
3) Pathping - displaying information about hidden networks and data loss.
4) Pause - pauses the execution of the cmd script.
5) Perfmon - opens the "Performance" window.
6) Ping - checks the connection with another computer (sending an echo request).
7) Powercfg—system power management.
8) Print - print a text file.

Teams on Q:
1) Qprocess - information about processes.
2) Qwinsta—information about terminal sessions.

Teams on R:
1)Recover- recovering saved data on a damaged disk.
2) Reg - editing the system registry via the command line.
3) Ren - change file and folder names.
4) Replace - replacing files.
5) Rd - delete a folder.
6) Route - processing of network route tables.
7) Runas - using applications on behalf of another user.
8) Rundll32 - launching standard command-functions embedded in the dll.

Teams on S:
1) Schtasks - creating, deleting, modifying and polling scheduled tasks on a local or remote system.
2) Sdbinst - compatibility database installer.
3) Set - output, assignment and deletion of variables on the command line.
4) Sfc - Check Windows files.
5) Shutdown—turn off and reboot Windows system.
6) Sort - sorting files.
7) Start - launch the program in a separate window.
8) Systeminfo - displays information about system settings.

Teams on T:
1) Taskkill - termination of one or more processes.
2) Tasklist - shows running programs and processes currently running.
3) Time - time setting.
4) Tlntadmn - remote computer control.
5) Tree - displays the disk structure in the form of a tree.
6) Type - display the contents of text files on the screen.
7) Typeperf - displays performance information on the screen or in a log.

Teams on U:
1) Userinit - Windows system explorer.

Teams on V:
1) Ver - display information about the Windows version.
2) Vssadmin is a volume shadow copy command line tool.

Teams on W:
1) Wbemtest - Windows management instrumentation tester.
2) Winver - displays information about the Windows version.

Teams on X:
1) Xcopy - copying files and folder trees. As you can see, there are a lot of cmd commands. But it is worth noting that not all are listed here, but the most useful ones. And don’t forget that in order to work on the command line you need at least basic knowledge about the commands you are going to work with.
November 29, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    4 December 2023 06: 50
    An excellent selection of system commands for Windows.