How is a smartphone different from an iPhone?

Чем смартфон отличается от айфона

When you are planning to buy yourself a smartphone, you will most likely encounter some problem, which will be choosing a smartphone. This is because today all phones are divided into iPhones and smartphones. Although this is not entirely correct. After all, an iPhone is the same smartphone produced by Apple. Many people are probably wondering: is it still different? smartphone from the same iPhone? Yes there are differences. But they are not that significant.
First of all, you should know that a smartphone and an iPhone are two almost similar devices. A smartphone is a mobile communication device that combines the capabilities of a mobile phone and a PDA. The iPhone is almost the same.

Let's move on to the differences and start with the external ones. The first difference is the iPhone logo, namely a bitten apple. Only iPhones have this logo. No other smartphone has this sign. Also, do not forget about the build quality of the iPhone. Apple has always been at its best in all this. Although, if you compare the build quality of the latest iPhone and a similarly priced smartphone, they are on the same level.

The iPhone also has a non-removable battery. Most modern smartphones have a removable battery. As for the battery capacity of the iPhone, it is low and sometimes inferior to the battery capacity of similar smartphones.

Almost all modern smartphones have memory card slots. It is very comfortable. iPhones only have their own memory, which reaches 64 GB in the latest models.

Well, the iOS operating system, synchronized with the computer via iTunes programs. This operating system is used only on iPhones. Some people praise her, others the opposite. All other modern smartphones use Android OS or Windows Phone OS. What can we say in conclusion? Both the iPhone and the smartphone are smartphones first and foremost. The latest models of smartphones from leading companies are in no way inferior to iPhones.
November 29, 2014 4
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  1. Igrus
    23 November 2015 07: 36
    Essentially, the iPhone is a smartphone from Apple. It’s the smartphone, it’s just that the manufacturing company has registered its own name for it.
  2. Kait.15
    23 November 2015 10: 32
    Igrus, exactly. The author of the article wanted to convey that the iPhone is not a device of a separate segment, but is still the same smartphone, only with some distinctive features.
  3. Shaty
    4 December 2023 06: 52
    And I thought that a smartphone was all phones. 
  4. DeSvErTi
    4 December 2023 22: 57
    Android is now in many ways better than iPhones and their entire ecosystem of products.