Automatic page refresh for Google Chrome

Автообновление страницы для Google Chrome

Take, for example, the modern and very popular Google Chrome browser. He copes well with his tasks. It can also be noted that this browser has a pleasant and very intuitive interface. But there is something missing from it. Automatic page refresh is not available in this browser. Many will say that it is of no use at all. After all, you can update pages manually using a simple hotkey F5. This is true, but there are situations when automatic updating in the browser is simply irreplaceable. Take online auctions, for example. Every second counts here. So let's figure out how to make your Google Chrome browser able to automatically refresh pages.

So, to automatically refresh pages in the Google Chrome browser, you will need a special extension called Easy Auto Refresh. In order to download this extension, you need to go to the Google Chrome browser settings. Then select "Extensions". After that, scroll down the page and select the item "More extensions".

A new search window will appear in which you will need to write Easy Auto Refresh.

After this, the results found will appear, among which you will need to select and add the required extension. Then you can configure the page refresh time in it. Pages in the Google Chrome browser can be automatically refreshed using the Easy Auto Refresh extension.
January 04, 2015 2
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  1. Alexander
    4 February 2016 11: 09
    Thank you... everything is cool...
  2. Shaty
    4 December 2023 12: 38
    I didn't know there was such a feature in Google Chrome.