How to remove Yambler?

Как удалить Yambler (Ямблер)?

All sorts of additions to modern browsers, small programs that appear on the computer after installing one of the free utilities - probably everyone has encountered this. Did an unchecked box in the installation settings accidentally or another reason lead to the installation of unnecessary Yambler on your computer? We will tell you how to deal with it and remove it forever! Essentially, Yambler is a virus. Getting rid of it is not so easy.

To begin with, let’s remove all browser shortcuts from the desktop and notification bar, since they are a kind of “launchers” for the virus. Each of them launches a browser with a link to Yambler.

Let's go to the Program Files folder and delete the zaxar folder from there. The same must be done with the Program Files (x86) folder (for x64-bit systems). The next step is complete.

In each of the folders of your browsers there is now a file *name of the browser .exe file*.url. We need to remove them.

The best way to get rid of the problem for good would be to remove the browsers and reinstall them. The virus also prevents you from doing this, since it launches browser processes into the system permanently. To unload them, you need to go to the "Task Manager", close all .exe files of your browsers with the Delete button and continue deleting browsers.

After reinstalling the browsers you need reboot the systemand then scan using Dr.Web CureIt utilities. We hope that this article successfully helped you deal with a virus like Yambler. See you on the pages of our website, and be more careful when installing programs!
January 31, 2015 1
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  1. Shaty
    4 December 2023 19: 34
    I don’t know where I picked up Iambler, but I barely removed it.