How to properly install Windows 7 from a USB flash drive

Как правильно установить Windows 7 с флешки

In this article we will look at how to install Windows 7 from a flash drive. Although there are many nuances, it is almost impossible to make a mistake when installing Windows. And all thanks to a well-designed installation interface.

If you decide to install Windows 7 on your computer or laptop, you must first make sure that the power of your device will be sufficient to change the system. If the computer is very old, then Windows 7 may simply work slowly, and this will create inconvenience.

In order for Windows 7 to install and work, you must have: 1 GB of RAM, a processor of at least 1 GHz and at least 20 GB of hard disk space to install the system. There must be a video card that supports DirectX 9. All these requirements are not very high, and many computers and laptops that users bought six or seven years ago will be able to run this operating system. The first thing we do is prepare the OS image for installation. To do this, take a blank DVD or flash drive. Install the program on the computer: UltraISO. It is needed in order to write images to various disk drives. If you have a Windows 7 installation disk or image, then you do not need to do this. If not, then do the following.

If you write to a flash drive:
1. Launch the UltraISO program, which we installed specifically for recording the image. On the toolbar, click “open”.
2. Choose the image that we have prepared in advance. It has extension: iso
3. At the top of the window, click “Boot” and then “Burn hard disk image”
4. A window will open. We change only one thing in it: check the box: “USB-HDD+”
5. Click “Record”.

If you burn to disk:
1. Similarly, use the installed program
2. In the menu, find “Tools” and select “Burn CD image”
3. A window will open in which you just need to click “Record”

We managed to record the image. Now let's move on to installation. Insert the disk or flash drive into the computer and turn it off. Then press the power button and zahodim v BIOS. You need to enter it differently on different computers. Sometimes this is the Delete button, there may be F1, F2, F8, F10 buttons. Usually on the first loading page at the bottom you can read which button you need to press.

The BIOS may look different. If the menu selection is at the top, then you need to go to the “Boot” tab, go to the “Boot device priority” submenu and there, opposite the words “1st Boot Device”, put CDROM or USB. If the installation will be from a disk, then you need to install a CDROM, if from a flash drive, then USB. This means that you have told your computer what it should boot from when you turn it on. The default setting is usually to boot from the hard drive.

If the BIOSe that you have opened does not have a top menu, then go through the vertical menu. Select Advanced BIOS Features, and then go to the words “First Boot Device”. Click on Enter. A list will appear containing various options from which you can boot your computer. Select similarly to CDROM or USB.

After that, regardless of the type of BIOS, press F10 and enter the letter “Y” (i.e. you agree to save the changes) and press Enter.
From now on, the computer will do almost everything on its own. All you have to do is monitor the process and periodically agree or reject offers.

When you pressed Enter, the computer began to reboot again, but only now it booted from a disk or flash drive (depending on what you installed). The following phrase will appear on the screen:
Press any key to boot from CD or DVD…

This means that you need to press any button for the boot to start from the disk. Do this and Windows 7 will begin preparing for installation. This takes some time. The more powerful the computer, the faster the whole process will be completed. After a while you will need to select a language and click the “Install” button.

From time to time you will have to click “Next”, for example, to confirm the license agreement. When the installer asks you to choose an option, select "Full installation".

You will also need to choose which drive to install the new system on. It is best if you have previously formatted this disk. Then the program will do everything itself. The computer will restart several times - this is normal. There is no need to touch anything at this time. Your intervention will only be required when you are prompted to enter your username and computer name. All! Windows 7 is now installed on your computer and you can now install it yourself. Don't forget right away install antivirus. Was it difficult for you to figure it out?
January 05, 2014 2
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  1. Just4tw
    21 November 2023 12: 23
    Nice and useful article. I just want to install seven. 
  2. Shaty
    1 December 2023 13: 58
    Cool instructions, also for my favorite Windows 7. I’ll also throw the installation kit onto a flash drive just in case)