Which laptop brand should you choose?

Какую фирму ноутбука выбрать?

When choosing almost any future purchase, we try to find out as much as possible about it. The same goes for computers and laptops. Before purchasing the same laptop, you try to find as much information as possible about which laptop model you should buy and which company to choose. As with any purchase, you should first decide on your budget and goals. That is, you need to understand why you need a laptop. If you need a laptop to use modern browsers, watching movies, and other similar things, then you shouldn’t spend too much money. If you need a powerful laptop for video editing, for modern computer games, then you need to start from your budget.

Like any other piece of equipment, a laptop can break down over time. Therefore, when choosing a laptop, you should consider the presence of an official distributor of the company in your region. In case of an unexpected breakdown, you can have your laptop repaired by professionals.

If you are not very versed in computer software, then it is better to purchase a laptop with the software already installed. In particular, it is better to buy a laptop with operating system installed. It is worth noting that by purchasing a laptop with a licensed operating system, you will be able to update it regularly.

Now you can go over the main characteristics of the laptop, which you should consider when buying it. And this is the processor, RAM, hard drive, battery capacity and more.

If you plan to regularly carry a laptop with you, you should pay attention to its size. In such cases, the laptop should be compact in size and not too heavy. You should also pay attention to the battery capacity, since this is the indicator that will provide your laptop with autonomous operation. Accordingly, if you are purchasing a laptop for home, then you don’t have to worry about its portability and battery capacity.

The speed of the laptop as a whole depends on the processor. If there are no high requirements for a laptop, then an average processor that is capable of performing operations of varying complexity will do. Here you should take into account the processor frequency and its bit capacity. It is worth noting that almost all modern processors support 64-bit applications. Don't forget about the number of cores in the processor. The more cores, the better the computer's performance.

If you need an “average” laptop, then you can take those models with Intel Core i3 or i5 processors. Such processors will be able to provide your laptop with fairly fast operation.

As for the sizes of hard drives, there is no need to dwell here. After all, you can buy external drives. And most modern laptops have hard drives with a capacity of 500 GB. As for RAM, its quantity also affects performance. But if you do not load your computer, then 1-2 GB of RAM for a laptop is quite enough.

It's another matter if you are an avid gamer or use “heavy” programs that heavily load RAM. In such cases, it would be a good idea to purchase a laptop with 6-8 GB of RAM. It is also worth taking into account the model of the video card. For such purposes, a good video card should be used. For example, 6-8 GB of RAM and an NVidia GeForce GT 740 video card (with 2 GB memory) will be able to equip the laptop with proper performance. If you don’t know which laptop to buy, then you can start from this article. But still, do not forget that first of all you need to understand why you need a new laptop. And by the way, regarding the company that produces the laptop: you shouldn’t chase the brand. It is best to pay attention to the general characteristics of the laptop, and not to the company that created it.
February 06, 2015 5
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  1. Emma
    7 February 2015 01: 14
    I bought an ACER E10-2014-C51Q511 NXMMLER9 laptop on September 3, 008 and I’m terribly upset because it breaks down more than it works. I’m very dissatisfied with this company. They don’t answer emails. They don’t want to be interested in their
    an ugly product. Either it doesn’t turn off, then it doesn’t turn on, then the cursor disappears somewhere, then it doesn’t move. I went,
    I went... they’ll fix something - it will work a little and then again. I’m already mortally tired of it. I worked half-heartedly for 3,5 months and the hard drive failed, they took it back for repairs and put in a new drive. What to do with it
    I don’t know anymore. Disgusting company.
    Email: [email protected]
  2. Nikolaybogdanovich
    8 February 2015 21: 54
    Emma, ​​if you are not satisfied with the performance of your laptop and you cannot optimize it for yourself, then you need to exchange it for another one. In addition, if you frequently visit service centers, the best option would be to change the laptop model. Alternatively, you can sell it first, and with the money withdrawn, buy another one, or add more money and get a new one, more reliable and productive. You decide.
  3. Emma Dmitrievna
    20 March 2015 12: 43
    Thank you. But I can’t sell it, since it cost me along with the loan and
    installation of programs costs 14660 thousand rubles, and I’m still paying the loan. What will they give me for it? The children gave me an old HP, and I work on it.
    Thank you.
    Emma Dmitrievna Amirbekyan
  4. qwe45
    3 December 2023 17: 29
    Thanks, I decided to get myself a laptop from Asus, cool
  5. Shaty
    4 December 2023 22: 03
    But it seems to me that little depends on the company) rather, the parameters are important)