How to make a presentation on a computer

Как делать презентацию на компьютере

PowerPoint equipped with all the tools necessary for a quality presentation. It’s not enough to think through an idea and add pictures. You need to skillfully combine all this together, add sound, calculate the minutes of slide changes and visualize the effects. We propose to consider all the main elements of a successful presentation. 1. After starting the program, a new project immediately opens. This is the first page of the presentation. Usually the title or topic is written here. Below the Title you can indicate the names of the developers. A new slide is created hotkey combination Ctrl+M.

Как делать презентацию на компьютере

2. A white background looks completely unattractive. A beautiful design can be created as follows:

Below each picture is a color scheme. If desired, it can be complemented with other shades. Remember these important tips:

- the text and background must have a bright contrast, otherwise the words will not be read;

- there should not be too many colorful pictures in front of the text;

- it is best to combine 2-3 colors, no more.

3. Dilute the slides like this: one is text, the second is a graph, the third is an illustration. This way, your presentation will not be boring and monotonous.

Use high-quality images, otherwise they may lose clarity on a large screen and spoil the impression.

4. A good effect is created by background music or accompanied speech. This image shows how to insert them:

5. You can change slides not only manually, by clicking the mouse, but you can also configure them to change automatically. It’s good when the transitions between them are animated. For example, they change in the form of a chessboard, or fly out in a circle. You can find these effects in the “Transitions” menu:

6. Text can also be transformed using moving objects. But you should not change phrases that are too long or large. With the help of departures or zigzags, it is good to focus attention on keywords or titles.

Now we can say that creating a presentation comes to the end. All that remains is to watch it completely from start to finish. Click "Slide Show" at the top and view the presentation. You should definitely like the fruit of your labors. Experiment, add effects and colors, insert more pictures, and you are guaranteed to impress your audience.
February 10, 2015 1
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  1. Shaty
    5 December 2023 07: 40
    ​We use Power Point and still use it every day at work.