Promotion of VKontakte using the FvCheat program

Раскрутка ВКонтакте с помощью программы FvCheat

Modern life represented by super popular social networks. If you remove them from our lives, the small connecting link between us and the world around us will disappear. The most common network is VKontakte. People not only live here, they are completely absorbed in this virtual world. Users post photos, ask to like them, and rejoice at every heart. Many people participate in competitions that are built on the principle that the more likes, the higher the chances of winning. And not everyone does this in good faith.

For those who don’t know, we’ll let you know. FvCheat can generate hundreds of likes in a short time. It will also be useful for people who are in love with themselves. After all, you can post your photo and like it until you lose consciousness, until the numbers reach ten digits.

The program will be useful for those people who are involved in the promotion of groups and sites. As you know, the more views and subscribers, the higher it will appear in searches and the more potential clients. So the program is useful in many aspects.

Let's consider the principle of operation. Install the software and log into it.

Раскрутка ВКонтакте с помощью программы FvCheat

The action involves identification through the VKontakte page. Enter your details and click “Login”. But that is not all. In the next step, you must enter additional information about your place of residence and gender. Create a unique passwordb.

Thus, registration was carried out. Now about the cheating itself. A new window will show the available number of votes.

1. This figure shows the possible number of markups. While the program is open, the number will change upward.
2. If you are a premium user of the program, you can filter some data about the promotion. For example, select people from your region or a certain age.
3. In the empty line you need to indicate a link to the resource, and if there are a certain number of people from point 1, then the program will start working.
4. Indicates status.

FvCheat can be of great benefit if used correctly. Basically, it is recommended to use it for purely good intentions without any deception. After all, even such a simple thing as cheating votes can lead to administrative offenses. Be careful.

February 10, 2015 1
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  1. Shaty
    5 December 2023 07: 41
    It seems to me that now FvCheat can easily get banned.