Register on VKontakte

Регистрируемся во ВКонтакте

There was a time when you could register on VKontakte only with the invitation of a friend or loved one. There is also no registration fee. At one time, this played perfectly into the hands of both the service itself and the mass of ordinary users. Despite what it might seem at first glance, registration today is incredibly simple. You should only have a mobile phone and a working SIM card with you. Step-by-step action plan for registering a new user on the VKontakte social network:

- Enter in the search or enter into the browser line any browser address –

- In front of us, in the center of the screen, there is a section called Instant registration.

Регистрируемся во ВКонтакте

- Enter your real names into the fields of the section: first name, last name and gender.

- Click on the Register button.

- The following window will open, in it we will be asked to indicate the country code in which we live and the real mobile phone number.

- All you have to do is wait for the confirmation code and enter it in the appropriate field.

Actually, at this stage, registration of a new user is completed. Next comes the most interesting part, following the clear instructions of the site, gradually fill out information about yourself, your interests, upload a photo and look for friends and acquaintances. As we have verified, there is absolutely nothing complicated about registering on VKontakte. The only thing that is important to know before the registration procedure is there are many scammers on the Internet, so carefully check the link you are going to register with. For personal computers, the address of the official page is As for the mobile site, the address is Also, do not tell anyone your VKontakte account password, whoever this person introduces himself to be. Have a pleasant and exciting time on such a multifaceted social network as VKontakte.
29th September, 2014 1
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Click on the image to update the code if it is illegible
  1. ksenia_otvaga
    19 November 2023 13: 50
    I couldn’t figure out how to register when I read the article, thank you very much to the site!!!!