Download HDD Low Level Format Tool 4.40

Скачать HDD Low Level Format Tool 4.40

Hdd Low Level Format Tool is a professional software for formatting any memory drive. They clear it completely and the selected data cannot be restored. This type of formatting is called deep. If you doubt that you need to use this program, then think about the safety of your flash drive. Almost constantly, after several removal steps, it causes application errors and ordinary formatting cannot get rid of this problem. Then there is only one option left - use the Hdd Low Level Format Tool.

So, the first step is to download the software, unpack the directive and carry out the installation.

When everything is ready, the program will launch automatically and you will see a window like this:

Скачать HDD Low Level Format Tool 4.40

This is a list of available drives. If you have already inserted a flash drive, then its name will certainly appear here. Otherwise, try inserting it again. The utility works with all types of external and internal drives. These can be hard drives, memory cards, MP3 players and more.

Select the required resource and click next. A properties window will open with three tabs. Click on the one in the middle.

If you still decide to carry out this operation, then feel free to click on the button indicated in italics. Then you confirm your intention again. The process can take quite a long time, it all depends on the amount of memory on the drive. Ultimately, you will be notified of completion with a message like this:

But that is not all. The flash drive will not be ready for use if you skip one important step. Go to my computer, find the name of the removable media, click the additional mouse button and select Format from this list. You will have to do this procedure so that you can write something to the flash drive.

This is due to the fact that the program completely erases memory cells, even those that have a write function. This stroke needs to be corrected. Now, upon completion of all stages, the flash drive will serve you for a long time and reliably.

Download the free version of Hdd Low Level Format Tool and make sure you need it on your home and office computer. With her help, no one file recovery program will not be able to return information from the drive.

Download Hdd Low Level Format Tool for free







November 28, 2023 2
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  1. Rina777
    22 November 2023 17: 36
    A convenient program for cases when you really need to clear data before selling a component. Yes, the process may take a long time, but data security comes first
  2. desspire
    6 December 2023 04: 42
    Thank you for providing the HDD Low Level Format tool. Let users perform low-level formatting of their hard drives.