Beam - a program for calculating beam parameters

Beam - программа для расчета параметров балок

Probably, for each field of activity there is its own program. Eat budgeting programs, sports programs and many other programs. Today we will talk about a program that can be called a construction utility. This program is called Beam. The description of this program immediately notes that it is capable of calculating beam parameters. If we look at this statement in more detail, we can see that the Beam program is designed to calculate the strength and stiffness of multi-span beams that are not statically determined.

In addition, using the Beam program, you can construct diagrams of deflections, rotation angles, bending moments, stresses and shear forces that arise in a beam when external forces act on it. Here it can be noted that a diagram is understood as a drawing in which a figure is depicted using the method of several planes.

The Beam program checks and selects the cross-section of steel beams. All these beams are described in the program.

In principle, all the main functions were listed above. You can say a few words about the technical side of the program. Works on computers with Windows OS installed. The program interface is not too complicated. And the program has two interface languages, namely English and Russian. If you work in this field and you urgently need to calculate, for example, the load on a beam section, then try doing this using the Beam program.
24 March, 2015 1
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  1. Shaty
    5 December 2023 11: 10
    I sent an article to my friend, he is a builder, he will need it.