Mail program The Bat!

Почтовая программа The Bat!

There are different ways to access and use your email. You can go directly to the mail service website and use mail directly through your browser. You can do it differently. There are special email programs that are installed on your computer. Using such programs, you can send, receive, write, and store the user’s email. We will talk about one of these programs. Probably the most popular email program is Manager Microsoft Outlook. Many users use this program. But of course, there are other equally good email programs.

The Bat! is a good email program that is designed to work with email on the Windows operating system. This program has wide functionality and capabilities. Let's list some of them.

So, we can immediately note that the program has many opportunities for sorting letters. The user can also expand the capabilities of this email program by installing additional modules and plugins. Most of the modules and extensions for this email program are designed to increase protection against spam and viruses.

In The Bat! The correspondence security system is excellent. There is password protection of the mailbox, encryption of the mail database, electronic signature of letters, blocking of suspicious images and more.

It was said above that in The Bat! The letter sorting functions are well developed. The only thing that can be added here is that you can configure automatic sorting of letters according to specified user parameters. There are a lot of sorting options here.

Also in The Bat! It is possible to create virtual folders, use ready-made templates for formatting letters, use the backup option, and administer each mailbox. The Bat! is an excellent program for working with email. You can download the program and see for yourself.

Download The Bat! for free

Download the program from the official website
April 01, 2015 2
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  1. Shaty
    5 December 2023 12: 11
    This is probably my first mailer. I wonder if he is alive now or not. 
  2. ahhlov
    5 December 2023 19: 43
    The Bat! my favorite email program!