Of course, every country has the most popular electronic mail services. So, for example, in Russia it is Yandex Mail и Gmail. In Ukraine, the most popular mail is FREEMAIL from UKR.NET. So, if you give some statistics, you can see that this post office has a multimillion-dollar number of mailboxes registered. And every year this number increases. The mail service has a very clear interface. Working with this mail should not cause any difficulties or difficulties.

This Ukrainian postal service is so popular for a reason. After all, it has all the capabilities that the most popular modern email services have. Thus, is equipped with powerful protection against all kinds of spam, has a high speed of letter delivery and is equipped with high-quality anti-virus protection.

Also, users who use this mail can take advantage of the E-Disk virtual storage. You can store your various files indefinitely in this storage.

Not long ago, users of the mail service were able to send files that could reach 1,5 GB in size. Moreover, such files can be sent in one letter in a matter of seconds.

Another advantage of this email is the ability to send letters from two email addresses at once, without leaving the email address. This is also a huge plus.

It is worth noting that you can only register with this email from the territory of Ukraine. In the future, after registration, you will be able to access your mailbox from anywhere in the world. If you are on the territory of Ukraine, then to register you just need to go to the website of this mail service, which is located at is a decent and high-quality mail service that does not stop in its development, but, on the contrary, regularly develops and improves.
November 16, 2014 10
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  1. ujcnm
    23 December 2014 13: 33
    Registration is illegally required. According to their charter, they can forward our data to any authorities, both tax and law enforcement. Restore the box - an officially certified letter from a notary with passport data and registration!!!! No to chaos!!!
  2. bobloss
    23 December 2014 14: 54
    ujcnm, and so almost everywhere.
    27 January 2015 02: 18
    Why can't freemail load from Yandex?
  4. Nikolaybogdanovich
    27 January 2015 17: 22
    Alexander, try clearing all the cookies and cache of your Yandex browser. If it doesn’t help, then you need to uninstall it, download the latest version and install it again.
  5. She
    4 May 2016 13: 52
    Somehow I can’t get into the mail
  6. Elena
    25 July 2016 15: 06
    I enter the password and the mail does not open
  7. Kait.15
    26 July 2016 09: 27
    Elena, what is displayed on the screen? Does the system say that an incorrect login or password has been entered?
  8. Lyudmila
    21 October 2017 18: 56
    Why doesn't the password work, which is still the same?
  9. Kait.15
    22 October 2017 17: 19
    Lyudmila, in most cases it turns out that the user incorrectly specifies the login or password for his mailbox (check the keyboard layout, make sure that the CapsLock key is disabled during the input process. In more rare cases, your problem may mean that the account has been hacked. Solve the problem you can by following the procedure for restoring access to the mailbox on the service website.
  10. Shaty
    3 December 2023 19: 32
    Wow, I've never heard of such mail. Why is it free?