Tuning a guitar using a tuner program

Настраиваем гитару с помощью программы-тюнер

However, of all musical instruments, the guitar can be distinguished. Many of us can play the guitar. Why guitar? Yes, because learning to play it is not so difficult. In addition to this, the guitar has excellent portability properties. Many guitarists who have just learned to play the guitar have a special device called a tuner. A tuner is a device that makes it easier to tune musical instruments. For a guitar, you can buy a special tuner that is attached to the neck, and then the guitar is tuned. The cost of such a tuner varies from 500 to 3000 rubles. But don't rush to buy such a tuner. You can use a special computer tuner program.

Tuning a guitar with a computer tuner is no more difficult than doing it with a regular one. The principle is practically the same. The only difference is that the computer program will be free.

What program should you use to tune your guitar? In fact, there are very, very many such programs. But not all of them have good functionality. Here we will look at two programs that are of good quality and will help you tune your guitar perfectly.

The first program is called Guitar Tuner. The program is lightweight and compatible with computers with Windows OS installed. The program has several tuning modes: electric guitar tuning, acoustic guitar tuning, and synthesized tones. The program is quite understandable and convenient.

The AP tuner program is also a computer tuner. It can also be used to quickly tune your guitar. Thanks to the interface of this program, tuning your guitar becomes an easy and quick task. All you have to do is pluck each string and look at the program scale. If the arrow on the scale shows a value of 0, it means that you have tuned the string correctly. If you don’t yet know how to tune a guitar yourself, then use tuners. But it is best to use free computer tuner programs. Download Guitar Tuner you can in any browser using the link below.

Download Guitar Tuner for free

Download the program from the official website
April 15, 2015 2
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  1. Shaty
    5 December 2023 14: 11
    How interesting, is it really possible to tune a guitar with it? 
  2. NIKITA2613
    6 December 2023 11: 41
    thank you very much, thanks to you I learned to tune a guitar, I just bought it recently, I’m learning to play