Program Briefs

Software applications, often called programs or applications, are the basis of modern computing. They serve a variety of purposes, from productivity to entertainment and everything in between. In this guide, we will provide a brief overview of the different types of software applications commonly used on computers and mobile devices.

КОМПАС-3D V15 -программа для создания трехмерных моделей

KOMPAS-3D V15 - a program for creating three-dimensional models

Today you can find almost any program you need. For example, there are quite a lot of programs on the Internet for creating 3D models.
June 11, 2015 1
Программа Mobogenie для ОС Android

Mobogenie program for Android OS

Modern smartphones today are similar to computers. They also have a variety of capabilities.
June 10, 2015 1
Обмениваемся мгновенными сообщениями с программой WhatsApp

Exchange instant messages with WhatsApp

Today we live in the world of information technology. Agree that each of us has at least a smartphone and a computer.
January 31, 2015 3
Гаджет часы для Windows 7

Gadget clock for Windows 7

Modern computers have almost everything. Every person, having a computer, will be able to do what he likes.
January 27, 2015 2
Программа-напоминалка на компьютер

Reminder program for computer

Agree that each of us has a lot of things planned for the day, for the week, for the month. And not everyone is able to clearly remember all their plans and plans.
January 25, 2015 1
Ежедневник для компьютера

Diary for computer

Probably many of us have a special notebook or diary. We write down our plans in the same diary so that we don’t forget them in the future.
January 24, 2015 2
Восстанавливаем удаленные фотографии программой Wise Data Recovery

Recovering deleted photos with Wise Data Recovery

Every user handles some amount of information every day. This can be programs, music, photographs, and much more.
January 22, 2015 2
Читаем электронные книги с программой ICE Book Reader Pro

Reading e-books with ICE Book Reader Pro

Books are still read by a huge number of people today. But if previously everyone read paper books, today many people prefer their alternative.
January 19, 2015 2
Записываем видео с вебкамеры при помощи ManyCam

Recording video from a webcam using ManyCam

The computer today has become a very common and familiar thing. Surely you, and everyone you know, has a personal computer.
January 17, 2015 1
Гаджет для компьютера Яндекс.Погода

Computer gadget Yandex.Weather

We all know what gadgets are. But it is worth noting that in different fields of activity the definition of this term is somewhat different.
January 04, 2015 3
Программа для распознавания музыки онлайн

Online music recognition software

Each of us listens to different music today. And sometimes, for example, in some store we hear music that is painfully familiar to us, but we cannot remember it.
January 04, 2015 6
Конвертируем файл JPEG в формат PDF

Converting a JPEG file to PDF format

Today, almost every user operates with a large amount of data. Moreover, many of these data have the same type, but are presented in different formats.
January 03, 2015 1
Графическое приложение Artlantis Studio

Graphics application Artlantis Studio

There are quite a lot of different programs on the Internet today for visualizing 3D images. Today we will talk about perhaps one of the best programs in this area.
January 03, 2015 1
Тестируем ОЗУ с программой MemTest

Testing RAM with the MemTest program

Surely many computer users are familiar with the abbreviation RAM. RAM stands for random access memory or simply random access memory.
January 02, 2015 1
Медиаплеер  Songbird

Songbird media player

Every computer user has some audio files on his PC. Some of us have little music on our computer, while others have a lot of it.
January 02, 2015 2
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