Testing RAM with the MemTest program

Тестируем ОЗУ с программой MemTest

RAM refers to the volatile part of a computer's system memory. This memory stores machine code while the computer is running, as well as all data processed by the processor. In simpler terms, RAM is a temporary computer memory that operates when the computer is turned on and is necessary for the correct operation of programs and processes. It is not difficult to guess that RAM is one of the most important components of any computer. Probably the most important parameter of RAM is its volume. The number of simultaneously running programs on any computer depends on it and, accordingly, its performance. This is not the only indicator of RAM, but today we will talk about something else. We will look at a program that checks the computer's RAM for reliability. The program is called MemTest.

In short, the MemTest utility evaluates the memory's ability to write and read. If desired, the user can set a certain number of megabytes before testing the RAM. Many users advise using this program when buying a new computer or new RAM.

Let's take a quick look at the technical side of the program. It works on computers with Windows OS installed. The program interface is clear and it is entirely in English. You can also note that the MemTest program has its own bootloader. This means that you do not need to have an operating system for this utility to work. If you need to test your computer's RAM, the MemTest program is perfect for this purpose. But it is worth remembering that this utility is only capable of testing, and not correcting errors in the computer’s RAM.

Download MemTest for free

Download the program from the official website
January 02, 2015 1
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  1. Shaty
    5 December 2023 16: 58
    You suggested a good tester to me, I’ll definitely download it for myself!