Program Briefs

Software applications, often called programs or applications, are the basis of modern computing. They serve a variety of purposes, from productivity to entertainment and everything in between. In this guide, we will provide a brief overview of the different types of software applications commonly used on computers and mobile devices.

Скачиваем видеоредактор VivaVideo на телефон с ОС Android

Download VivaVideo video editor to your Android phone

Do you like to shoot entertaining videos on your phone and share them with your friends? But you have neither the time nor the desire to process them? This is not a problem if you have an Android phone.
January 20, 2016 2
Задавайте вопросы своим друзьям с приложением ASKfm

Ask questions to your friends with the ASKfm app

If you have an Android phone, then you probably know that you can install a variety of cool apps on it. There are a lot of such applications and we will talk about one of them today.
January 10, 2016 2
Печатаем фотографии с программой Epson Easy Photo Print

Printing photos with Epson Easy Photo Print

How did we print photos before? We went to special salons, brought film there and waited for the photographs to be taken.
January 04, 2016 2
Увеличиваем громкость звука на ноутбуке с программой Sound Booster

Increase the sound volume on a laptop with the Sound Booster program

What is the significant difference between a computer and a laptop? In fact, there are a lot of differences, but today we will focus on one.
April 26, 2016 5
Почтовый клиент Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook email client

Quite a lot of postal services have been created today. We mainly use online services for individual purposes.
April 25, 2016 3
PrintHelp - программа для сброса счетчика памперса принтера

PrintHelp - a program for resetting the printer's diaper counter

If you print documents on an inkjet printer, then you probably know that not all the ink is used for printing.
April 22, 2016 4
Snapseed - профессиональный редактор фотографий для ОС Android

Snapseed is a professional photo editor for Android OS

Since the advent of smartphones, the functionality of phones has expanded significantly. Some specific tasks that previously could only be done on a computer can now be easily completed on the phone.
April 18, 2016 4
GeForce Experience - отличная программа для видеокарт Nvidia

GeForce Experience is a great program for Nvidia graphics cards

A video card is one of the parts of a modern computer. And if you like to play a variety of games, then the video card can safely be called one of the most basic parts of your PC.
April 17, 2016 3
Узнаем информацию об устройствах, присоединенных к Wi-Fi, с программой Wireless Network Watcher

Find out information about devices connected to Wi-Fi using the Wireless Network Watcher program

Wired Internet or Wireless? Of course, most of us will prefer wireless Wi-Fi.
April 09, 2016 4
MSI LiveUpdate - мощная программа для обновлений системы

MSI LiveUpdate is a powerful system updater

Many of us use computers and laptops for work. But even more users use them as entertainment.
April 07, 2016 2
Candy Camera - приложение для быстрой обработки фотографий

Candy Camera - an application for quick photo processing

Go back 10 years. In order to take photos you needed a camera or a cool phone. And then the phone didn’t fit that many photos.
April 06, 2016 2
SuperOneClick - программа для получения root прав в один клик

SuperOneClick - a program for obtaining root rights in one click

Many mobile device users are familiar firsthand with the phrase “root rights”. And most often, such rights are familiar to people who use devices on the Android operating system.
April 05, 2016 2
Расстанавливаем мебель в помещение с помощью специальной программы

We arrange furniture in the room using a special program

With the help of computer programs today you can simplify many tasks. And this is not surprising, since today a huge number of different programs have been created.
April 04, 2016 3
Делаем из ноутбука точку доступа с программой Mhotspot

Making an access point from a laptop using the Mhotspot program

As you know, there is wired and wireless Internet. And for a wireless Internet connection you need to install a router.
April 03, 2016 2
Infix Pdf Editor - отличная программа для работы с PDF-файлами

Infix Pdf Editor is an excellent program for working with PDF files

Many programs have been created for working with electronic documents. This is not surprising, since there are also plenty of types of electronic documents themselves today.
April 02, 2016 3
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