Виртуальный макияж

Virtual Makeover

Every woman strives to be beautiful and unique. And in order to maintain their beauty, women use cosmetics.
25 March, 2015 1
Управляем разделами жесткого диска с помощью EASEUS Partition Master

Managing hard disk partitions using EASEUS Partition Master

Anyone who has a computer probably knows that it consists of several parts. Each component of a computer can be described for quite a long time.
25 March, 2015 1
Неплохой проигрыватель мультимедийных файлов Zoom Player

A good multimedia player Zoom Player

The Windows operating system has many standard utilities and functions. Standard copy utility, explorer, player and much more.
24 March, 2015 1
Beam - программа для расчета параметров балок

Beam - a program for calculating beam parameters

Today there are programs on the Internet that have a fairly narrow specialization. The specialization of such programs is so narrow that, apart from a few specific functions, such a program cannot solve any other problems.
24 March, 2015 1
Многофункциональный менеджер закачек JDownloader

Multifunctional download manager JDownloader

If you need to download any “large” files, then it is best to use a program called a download manager. And today there are quite a lot of such programs.
23 March, 2015 1
Программа для составления смет

Budgeting software

If you have ever had to engage in construction or repair work, then you have probably come across such a concept as an estimate. An estimate is a calculation of upcoming expenses, and sometimes the costs of carrying out any activity.
23 March, 2015 1
Утилита копирования файлов TeraCopy

TeraCopy file copy utility

The Windows operating system is rightfully the most popular computer system today. It contains a large number of different functions and capabilities.
22 March, 2015 1
eMule - менеджер закачек для файлообменной сети eD2k

eMule - download manager for the eD2k file sharing network

Many users today download various files using programs called download managers. There are quite a lot of such managers today.
22 March, 2015 4
Сетевой сканер Xspider

Xspider network scanner

How to protect your computer from various threats? Of course, you need to use special programs that serve these purposes.
21 March, 2015 3
ScrapBook - расширение для браузера Mozilla Firefox

ScrapBook - extension for Mozilla Firefox browser

Today there are many different browsers. Each user can choose the browser that suits him best.
21 March, 2015 5
BarTender - программа для создания этикеток

BarTender - label creation program

For almost any purpose you can find a program on the modern Internet. Moreover, many programs are open access.
20 March, 2015 3
Как пользоваться программой Charles?

How to use the Charles program?

Today there are many useful programs. Such programs also include programs that allow the user to monitor traffic between his computer and the Internet.
20 March, 2015 5
Скрываем IP-адрес с помощью Hide IP

Hide the IP address using Hide IP

Many users probably know that each computer that works on a computer network has its own unique identifier. So, an IP address is a unique network address of a node on a computer network.
19 March, 2015 4
Полное удаление конфиденциальной информации с ПК  программой Eraser

Complete removal of confidential information from PC with Eraser program

Our computers store a lot of all kinds of information. The most important information is that which is confidential.
18 March, 2015 4
Окунаемся в прошлое с программой OpenTTD

Plunging into the past with the OpenTTD program

In the 90s, many users played different games. And probably many of those who played such games 10-15 years ago would like to play them again.
17 March, 2015 3
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