Amigo 32.0.1725.111

To date, many have been created different browsers. There are both popular and not so popular browsers. Many excellent browsers have already been reviewed on our website. Today we will look at another one. This browser is called Amigo. It’s worth saying right away that this browser causes mixed feelings. Some people like it, while others don't like it at all. This browser was developed by the Russian company Mail.Ru Group. A distinctive feature of Amigo is that it has built-in social networking buttons.
Using the Amigo browser, you can simultaneously view Internet pages and news feeds on social networks such as VK, My world, Classmates, Twitter, Facebook. For many users this is a very convenient feature. If you use mail, the Amigo browser will notify you of new messages.
The Amigo browser has a built-in social network panel and a special form for quickly exchanging messages on social networks. There is also a built-in player.
What else can you say about this browser? It was released, like many browsers based on Chromium engine. It can also be noted that this browser was released in 2013 and today has only one version, which is under constant development. To all this we can also add the fact that Amigo can work under operating systems such as Windows, Linux, Mac OS.
In principle, the Amigo browser has a good set of qualities. Like many modern browsers, it is quite fast, convenient, and is also freely available. A simple question arises: then why do many users criticize it? The fact is that this browser can install itself on your computer. At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this, since you can remove the browser. But uninstalling the Amigo program is not so easy. If you want to try the Amigo browser, download it from the link below.
Download Amigo for free
Download the program from the official website