Quick registration on Twitter

Быстрая регистрация в Twitter

Social networks have so quickly and very firmly taken root in the life of every person all over the world that people today have no idea how it was possible to live before without these same social networks. networks. All the most discussed news, photos and videos, as well as comments from politicians about certain events in our world, various gossip and rumors - all this is primarily published on social networks and is the main information content there. Using Twitter you can run your own micro blog. Micro because messages are strictly limited in characters, so all your thoughts should be expressed on this network as concisely as possible.

The undoubted difference between Twitter and other social networks is the ability to conveniently communicate with your readers and fans, who also maintain their own blogs. You can also read other people’s blogs by first subscribing to them.

Twitter is so popular that many developers have repeatedly written special programs for it - clients that allow you to change the appearance of Twitter and make it similar to the popular ICQ on the RuNet. In addition, you can write your posts to this social network even via SMS messages.

What makes Twitter such a popular blogging service is its convenience, brevity, wide readership, and immediacy.

So, let's create our own account - the first steps in mastering Twitter

Быстрая регистрация в Twitter

First things first we should visit v lyubom browser home page of the site - On the page you need to correctly fill out a very short form:

- Enter your first and last name;
- Please indicate existing email address;
- Create a complex password;
- Click the buttonRegister».

Next, we need to select a user name, the options will be selected by the system automatically and will be consistent with the first and last name you specified. After this, we will be asked to choose a couple of people whose posts we will read, the next step will be to search for friends and acquaintances.

Do not forget that you will receive a letter to the previously specified email address with which you will confirm your account by clicking on the link in the letter.

That's it, registration is complete, you are now an official member of the big Twitter family!

You can also change the interface language of the social network from English to Russian, if it has not become the default language.

To do this, we need to go to settings or follow the link - Find an item Language and select Russian language from the drop-down list.

To save changes, the system will prompt you to enter a password. Now using the social network Twitter has become even easier! As you can see, there is nothing complicated about registering on Twitter. Take advantage of all the wide possibilities of this social network for your health!
November 06, 2014 5
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  1. ahhlov
    2 December 2023 20: 53
    everything was explained clearly. it worked right away, thank you very much

  2. Shaty
    3 December 2023 18: 20
    Of course, I registered, but Twitter is not for everyone. I don’t understand how you can find something interesting there. 
  3. YanRing
    6 December 2023 20: 48
    I needed to register on Twitter, but it just didn’t work, thanks for the article, now I know how to do it.