Solving the error "The remote computer requires network level authentication"

Решаем ошибку "Удаленный компьютер требует проверки подлинности на уровне сети"

Of course, a huge number of users use computers only as entertainment. But in addition to entertainment and leisure, computers can provide other very useful opportunities. We will not go into the list of computer capabilities, but will only say that using one computer you can control another. Moreover, this can be done remotely. Some methods have already been discussed on our website remote access by computers. But today we will not talk about that at all. Today we will talk about using remote connections to a Remote Desktop Server using operating systems such as Windows Server 2012 and Windows XP. It is also worth noting that we will be talking about Windows XP with Service Pack 3 updates installed.

Many users in this situation receive the following error: "The remote computer requires network level authentication.". All this happens when the user tries to connect to remote applications from a computer running Windows XP. It looks something like this.

Why is this happening? Windows XP has something called a Credential Security Support Provider. It's called CredSSP. The above error occurs because this security support provider is disabled. Based on this, this problem can be solved using several methods.

The first method is very simple and straightforward. To avoid the "The remote computer requires network level authentication" error, you can simply not use this check. In other words, you need to disable network level authentication. To do this, you will need to uncheck just one checkbox. The screenshot shows all this more clearly.
Решаем ошибку "Удаленный компьютер требует проверки подлинности на уровне сети"

It can be noted that this method is the fastest and most effective, but unsafe. If you are not satisfied with this method of solving the problem, then you can do the following.

First of all, you need to check the checkbox on the above item. After this, you will have to make some changes to the registry on the client machine. First of all on the way"HKLM | SYSTEM | CurrentControlSet | Lsa"You need to add the value to the Security Packages parameter tsp. It looks like this.

Now we need to change some values ​​in the path"HKLM | SYSTEM | CurrentControlSet | SecurityProviders". Here you need to find the SecurityProviders parameter and add the value to it credssp.dll. It will look something like this.

It is not difficult to guess that after making all these changes, the computer will need to reboot. After a reboot everything should work. By the way, we are talking about two computers here. If there are more computers, then changes to the registry can be made through Group Policy.
June 09, 2015 1
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  1. Shaty
    6 December 2023 11: 06
    This article helped me fix a network error.