How to get rid of the "Your connection is not secure" error in Google Chrome browser?

Как избавиться от ошибки "Ваше подключение не защищено" в браузере Google Chrome?

It has been said many times that browsers are the main tool for working on the Internet. And it has also been repeated many times that today there is a fairly large number various browsers. Some browsers are very popular, and some are very mediocre. You can safely add a browser like this to the list of popular browsers: Google Chrome. Today we will look at a very common error that occurs in this browser. Imagine this situation. You regularly use the Google Chrome browser and everything works fine. But at one random moment, when going to some site, the site page does not load, but instead an error appears. Instead of the website you are used to, you will see the following text in your browser window: "There is no lock". And under this entry there is another entry that says that attackers can steal your data.

How could such an error appear in the Google Chrome browser? In fact, there are several reasons for this. Let's look at them.

This kind of problem is related to site certificates. They may be from an unverified author or may be out of date. By the way, one of the reasons for the error “Your connection is not secure” is an incorrectly set date and time on your computer. Incorrect date and time affect certificates. For example, the expiration date of the certificates does not match the date on your computer.

The error “Your connection is not secure” may appear on some sites and this is quite normal. Since website certificates may indeed be unverified or outdated. But if an error of this nature appears on almost all sites that you open, then the situation here will be different. Here are some recommendations to help you resolve this error.

Very often, an error of this kind occurs in the Google Chrome browser installed on the Windows XP operating system. If you are in this case (and you have a 32-bit OS), then check for Service Pack 3 (SP3). If you have a 64-bit version of Windows XP, then you need to check Service Pack 2 (SP2). Both of these update packages can be downloaded from the official Microsoft website. It is located at

The reason for the “Your connection is not secure” error may be your antivirus or one of the browser extensions. If the problem is related to your antivirus, then you need to disable the HTTPS protection or scanning function in it.

In order to check whether extensions are involved in this problem, you need to open the Google Chrome browser in incognito mode. First you need to disable all extensions in incognito mode. This is all done in the browser settings. Then everything is extremely simple: if in incognito mode the problem does not appear, then one of the extensions is to blame and therefore needs to be removed.

Still, most often an error like “Your connection is not secure” appears when the time and date on your computer are set incorrectly. Therefore, before moving on to other ways to solve this problem, check the date and time on your computer. Even in such a popular browser as Google Chrome, errors can occur. But any errors can be eliminated. An error like “Your connection is not secure” is proof of this.
January 06, 2015 15
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  1. Olga
    14 November 2016 15: 25
    And my date and time are correct... but it still says “Your connection is not secure”

    and I have Linux OS..what should I do in this case?
  2. Kait.15
    14 November 2016 16: 23
    Olga, is a similar problem observed on all protected web resources or only on one?
  3. Olga
    15 November 2016 05: 40
    on, in the online store. in the line at the top there is such an inscription and a triangle at the beginning, on Odnoklassniki
  4. Olga
    15 November 2016 05: 57 перед такой записью стоит треугольник красный с восклицательным знаком и https зачеркнута
  5. Kait.15
    15 November 2016 08: 43
    Olga, check the correct date and time on your computer, disable extensions that are aimed at changing network settings (VPN extensions), reinstall the browser.
  6. Ilya
    22 November 2016 16: 47
    The date and time are correct... but it still says "Your connection is not secure"
    OS Windows 8.1
    I disabled extensions and reinstalled the browser.
  7. Kait.15
    23 November 2016 10: 16
    Ilya, try disabling your antivirus for a while and also scanning your computer for virus activity. If the problem has arisen recently, you should try to roll back the computer to the point when there were no problems with the system ("Control Panel" - "Recovery").
  8. Natalia
    23 November 2016 21: 58
    On my Google Chrome and Mozilla browsers it says your connection is not secure, but on Amigo and Yandex everything is fine. I tried all your advice - to no avail. What else can be done. Help.
  9. Kait.15
    23 November 2016 22: 58
    Natalya, try disabling your antivirus. If this doesn't help, scan your computer for viruses. If the problem has arisen recently, try to return the system to the time when such an error did not occur (you can select a rollback point in the “Control Panel” - “Recovery” menu).
  10. Oleg
    22 December 2016 04: 24
    Hello. Help me to understand. I have this problem: when connecting a Megafon modem, when going to Yandex or Google sites, a message appears that “The connection to this server is not secure” error code ERR_CERT_AUTORITY_INVALID. This error only occurs when connecting a Megafon modem, because when connecting to a Beeline WI-FI router or connecting, for example, to wi-fi from a smartphone, this does not happen. And this only happens with Yandex and Google sites; this does not happen with other sites. I tried it on two laptops - everything was the same. What could it be?
  11. Kait.15
    22 December 2016 12: 08
    Oleg, the problem is probably due to incorrect network settings. Try creating a new connection or contact Megafon support for more information.
  12. Yerzhan
    15 February 2017 10: 59
    I started getting this message on
    other browsers open it normally
    funny thing is that if you roll back the date at least a day ago the page opens
  13. Kait.15
    15 February 2017 12: 59
    Yerzhan, it is quite possible that this is an incorrect Chrome update, which may be fixed soon. As a solution to the problem, you can suggest adding to the browser exceptions list.
  14. Lydia
    27 June 2017 11: 00
    Thanks a lot! My time was wrong and I didn’t even notice. I spent 10 days looking for the problem. Thanks to you, the problem is solved!
  15. Shaty
    6 December 2023 11: 37
    I usually ignore this message and go to the site anyway.