360 Total Security

360 Total Security

If your computer is not protected by any antivirus software, then over time it may pick up computer viruses or malware that will do him no good. You already understand that today every computer must have an antivirus program. Moreover, it is not necessary to pay money for paid versions of such programs. Modern free antiviruses will protect your computer no worse than many paid alternatives. We could move on to reviewing today's antivirus program, but today we will do things a little differently. Many users may have heard about a free antivirus called 360 Total Security.

Why are many users interested in the following question: 360 Total Security - what kind of program is it and is it necessary to install it? As you already understand, 360 Total Security is a free antivirus of fairly good quality. But whether it’s worth installing it on your computer is up to you to decide. To make it easier for you to draw a conclusion, we will briefly look at the functions and features of this antivirus program.

It’s worth noting right away that the 360 ​​Total Security antivirus was created by a Chinese company. Many users will also be pleased that this antivirus is free. Antivirus 360 Total Security will work under almost all versions of the Windows operating system. The program interface is not too complicated and has support for several languages. Among them are English and Russian.

Now let's move on to the functions of this program. You can immediately highlight 2 main areas of 360 Total Security: it is an antivirus program and a system optimization assistant. It’s worth noting right away that virtually no other free antivirus offers tools for system optimization.

The developers of the 360 ​​Total Security program position it as a simple but quite powerful antivirus. And many users agree with this. Quick system scan for malware and viruses, full system scan for viruses and malware, real-time protection for your computer, special sandbox - these are not all the functions of this antivirus.

Why is 360 Total Security so good in its field? Perhaps all this is due to the fact that this program runs on 5 engines. Four are responsible for the operation of the antivirus, and the fifth is for system optimization.

What else can be added to the 360 ​​Total Security program? It has a very interesting function that analyzes the operating system for updates. If any are found, the 360 ​​Total Security program will immediately prompt the user to install them. 360 Total Security is a fairly powerful antivirus that also includes a system optimizer. Millions of people use this program and remain satisfied. Whether to download this program or not is up to you.

Download 360 Total Security for free

Download the program from the official website
18th September, 2017 15
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  1. Igor
    2 September 2015 09: 36
    Honestly, I would never have thought that there was a normal free antivirus, and a Chinese one at that. Here they are great, there are no complaints, they have been working for half a year and everything is beauty, so to speak. Overall 10 points.
  2. Ol Fol
    12 November 2015 00: 40
    Here, in my old age and clearly out of stupidity, I also installed this program. At first, I thought. that it was a virus that was ruining the system, but after two reinstallations I began to doubt it. People, this is a purely Chinese not only a spy, but also a pest: it destroys programs, demolishes Windows and crap and crap... I compared this program and Dr. WEB - Dr. WEB periodically finds 2-4 malware, but this program can find over a hundred; and once I found 124 (one hundred and twenty-four) and even where they, malware, cannot be by definition; after which (cleaning) Windows crashed - one of the folders in win32 disappeared.
    To paraphrase an ancient saying, I will conclude by saying:
    "Don't trust the Chinese who give you horses"
    And another great RUSSIAN proverb: free cheese can only be in a mousetrap
  3. Armen
    18 February 2016 18: 10
    excellent antivirus
  4. bob
    April 1 2016 19: 05
    excellent antivirus I love it this antivirus is the best for PC
  5. Vyacheslav
    12 July 2016 14: 09
    I downloaded very cool files that are thrown onto a flash drive, if the computer breaks down or everything is boring, I just insert this flash drive and Windows 7 is automatically installed on me, then on this flash drive, in addition to Windows, there is Total Security and Mazila, and this is not without reason. The hacker-programmer who came up with all this specially created this set of programs; they are the best and everyone needs them.
  6. Vladimir
    31 December 2016 01: 22
    Can your program work together with Microsoft Windows Defender on my PC running Windows 8.1?
    30.12.2016/XNUMX/XNUMX Bocharov V.N.
  7. Kait.15
    2 January 2017 20: 20
    Vladimir, the program is not ours, we are purely an information resource. When you install any antivirus on your computer, Windows automatically pauses the built-in defender to avoid conflicts between the two antivirus programs.
  8. Rina777
    18 November 2023 16: 41
    360 Total Security offers comprehensive protection thanks to a combination of multiple antivirus engines
  9. Hard_Movik:)
    19 November 2023 13: 19
    A good antivirus program, the main thing is that it’s free, it’s helped me out many times) I recommend a total installation!
  10. Shohijahon Qurbonov
    21 November 2023 11: 50
    This antivirus ensures that the database is constantly updated, which guarantees protection against new threats.
  11. Vvvttt83
    23 November 2023 09: 48
    360 Total Security thanks for this antivirus, I was looking for it and found it here!!!!
  12. ahhlov
    3 December 2023 09: 43
    360 Total Security is an excellent antivirus, it protects perfectly! 
  13. GodyVody
    5 December 2023 21: 27
    It seems that everything should be fine, let's wait and hope 👍
  14. desspire
    6 December 2023 03: 49
    Thank you for providing a comprehensive antivirus solution, 360 Total Security. Let users feel protected from various threats.
  15. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 17: 21
    If you don’t have a single antivirus program on your computer, then you should think about it and download 360 total security