Sandboxie download free

Sandboxie скачать бесплатно

It is very easy to pick up various viruses and other malware on the Internet. Such programs will not bring anything good to your computer. Therefore, before using the Internet, you need to secure your computer. This can be done using antivirus programs or sandbox programs. Let's take a look at the Sandboxie program. The main functions of this program are monitoring the operation of programs and increasing the level of security. The Sandboxie program can control the programs that will be launched through its protective shell. It is this protective shell that is called the “sandbox”.

What gives launching a program through the sandbox Sandboxie? A program running this way will have limitations. So, she will not be able to write any data to the system registry, will not be able to make changes to the system, and will be denied access to system files. Thus, the program will not be able to change the state of the system in any way.

As for working on the Internet, this program can increase the security of the system from installing “wrong” updates and software. The program can also monitor the status of email. In this case, the Sandboxie program has its own methods of fighting against viruses, Trojans, and spyware that could be attached to the letter.

It is worth noting that the number of programs launched through the Sandboxie sandbox is not limited. You can independently create the necessary list of programs that will open and work through the sandbox. Sandboxie only works with Windows operating systems. If you have this operating system is installed, then this program will be useful to you. It can be used as an additional protective tool for your computer.

Download Sandboxie for free

Download the program from the official website
February 15, 2015 1
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  1. Shaty
    5 December 2023 08: 30
    I haven’t heard before that sandboxes act as antiviruses.