Run in a sandbox - what is it?

Запустить в песочнице - что это?

In our article today we will tell you how the sandbox available is useful in antiviruses, and in what cases it should be used. After reading, you will be convinced that this kind of program should definitely be on your computer “in reserve.” A sandbox is a section of memory that is not open. It is isolated by the sandboxing program, creating a kind of virtual disk.

You can run any suspicious file in the sandbox that you think may contain a virus. The beauty of a sandbox is that even if a virus is activated, it will in no way be able to get from the isolated environment into the bowels of the computer. Of course, such precautions will be far from superfluous during times of the height of this type of “cyber crime.” If you run all suspicious applications through the sandbox, you can scan your system for viruses much less often, for example, using healing utility Dr.Web CureIt. Thanks to this article, we learned what it means to “run a program in a sandbox,” or, by its English equivalent, “in a sandbox.”
January 13, 2015 3
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  1. Vladimir
    14 August 2016 07: 26
    All this is good, but what happened to my files: the text is not highlighted and nothing can be done with it: neither change, nor correct, nor copy. How to get rid of this innovation?
  2. Kait.15
    14 August 2016 10: 19
    Vladimir, did this happen after you launched the file in the sandbox?
  3. Shaty
    4 December 2023 14: 41
    And why do I first think about crypto when I hear sandbox)