How to make footnotes in a Microsoft Office Word document?

Как в документе Microsoft Office Word сделать сноски?

But as mentioned before, many users who use this editor experience a variety of problems. For experienced users of the package's text editor Microsoft Office Some of these problems may seem extremely simple, but for beginners, many of these problems are simply stumped. Therefore, today we will look at another question related to Microsoft Office Word documents, which is: how to make footnotes in a Microsoft Office Word document? Most often, footnotes are made in a document in cases where an explanation of the content of the document is required. We will look at inserting footnotes into a document using an example document Microsoft Office Word 2007.

As usual, you should have your document open. Next, you need to select a word, phrase, or sentence that you want to explain with a footnote. After that, select the tab in the document header "references" and then select "Insert footnote".
Как в документе Microsoft Office Word сделать сноски?

As a result, at the end of the selected word you will have a number, and at the end of the page there will be a footnote itself, which you will comment on later. Accordingly, each link you create will have the following new number. Adding footnotes in a Microsoft Office Word document is extremely easy. All the steps that need to be performed for this are clearly described in this article.
January 17, 2015 1
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  1. Shaty
    6 December 2023 11: 51
    Thank you for the article. I learned how to make footnotes in Word)