Reducing line spacing in a Microsoft Office Word document

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We have repeatedly noted the convenience of the Microsoft Word program included in Microsoft Office package, but still there are a lot of questions related to working in this program. Some of them have already been discussed on our website. And today we will look at one more question, namely: how to reduce line spacing in a Microsoft Office Word document. In fact, this question is quite simple. You only need to do a couple of steps and line spacing will be reduced.

First of all, select the text in which you need to reduce the spacing. This can be done using the mouse, and if you need to reduce the spacing throughout the document, then simply hold down the keys at the same time Crtl+A.

In the header of the document itself there is a special menu dedicated to the spacing between lines. Click on this menu and select the required interval. It looks something like this. Here you can select existing parameters for the interval or set those that you need.
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The tips in this article will help you easily reduce line spacing in a Microsoft Office Word document.
January 03, 2016 3
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  1. Tulip
    6 December 2023 18: 07
    I continue to learn the Word program with the help of your articles.
  2. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 22: 10
    It turns out that reducing line spacing is very easy, thanks for the article