How to change line spacing in a Microsoft Office Word document?

Как изменить межстрочный интервал в документе Microsoft Office Word?

Due to the versatility of the text editor Microsoft Office package Many users are faced with the fact that when simply editing a document, many questions sometimes arise. For example, you need to change the line spacing in an electronic Word document, but this is not clear to you because it is not very clear what tool you need to use for this. It's actually very easy to do.

In order to change the line spacing, you first need to go to the Word document you need and select the area of ​​​​text in which you want to change the spacing. Then right-click on this text and click on the item "Paragraph".

Как изменить межстрочный интервал в документе Microsoft Office Word?

A window will open in which you can select the type of ready-made spacing between lines you need or set your own spacing value. After any of the above actions, you will need to click on the "OK" to save the selected interval.

This article discussed one of the fastest ways to change line spacing in a Microsoft Office Word document.

February 13, 2016 0
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