Putting page numbers in a Microsoft Word document

Of course, the highest quality and most popular today is text editor Microsoft Word. It is used by a huge number of users. This text editor has impressive functionality, many elements of which are not always clear to users. Very often there are questions related to page numbering in a Microsoft Word document. This text editor has been reviewed several times on our website. And we also looked at issues related to page numbering in a Microsoft Word document. But we examined cases specifically for specific versions. Today we will present a single template that will answer the following question: “How to number pages in a Microsoft Word document?” This template can be used for almost all versions of this text editor.
We will consider the type of document numbering, using which all pages of the document are numbered from the first to the last. First of all, you need to go to the " tabInsert"and there go to the tab"Page number". Then you need to choose where on the page the number will be located.
In principle, that's all. By following the steps described in this article, you will successfully number your Microsoft Word document. And if you need exception cases, for example, how to number a text document of a package Microsoft Office without a title page, you can find many of them on our website.
See also:
- How to find out the number of characters in a Microsoft Office Word document?
- How to number pages in a Microsoft Office Word 2007 document without a title page?
- How to make one page portrait and the other landscape in a Microsoft Word document?
- How to set landscape orientation in a Microsoft Office Word document?
- How to make footnotes in a Microsoft Office Word document?