How to delete music from iPhone via iTunes?

Modern smartphones protected from various viruses and malware. But perhaps it is the iPhone that is most resistant to viruses. If you compare an Android smartphone with an iPhone, the difference will be noticeable. Moreover, the difference is not only in quality, but even in all other details. For example, you can’t just delete music from your iPhone. Today we will look at the following question: how to delete music from an iPhone via iTunes program. This program is a media player that is designed to organize music and video. The iTunes program has many more functions and capabilities, but these are the main ones.
So, in order to delete music from an iPhone using the iTunes program, you first need to connect the iPhone to your computer. After this, the iTunes application should launch automatically, but if this does not happen, then launch it yourself.
There are different ways to delete music from your iPhone using iTunes. We will look at one of them. After opening the application, select your iPhone in the upper right corner.

Then a new window will open in the " tabReview". Just below there will be a field "Parameters". Here you need to check the box "Process music and videos manually". This is necessary so that the user can manage the contents of his iPhone when synchronizing it.

After you have completed the above steps, you need to go to the "Music". Here we uncheck the item "Sync music", and then check the box "Featured playlists, artists, albums and genres". Shown in more detail in the screenshot.

The matter remains small. Scroll down and uncheck the music that you no longer need. Accordingly, leave a checkmark for the music that you want to leave. Finally, click on the "apply".