Installing Windows OS via BIOS
We have repeatedly reviewed the functions and capabilities of this operating system. Today we will talk about something that, of course, almost every user will encounter. We'll talk about installing the Windows operating system. And we will look at how to install it through BIOS. We will not tell you what BIOS is, since it has already been mentioned several times. All we can say is that every computer has this basic “Input-Output” system.
In any case, you need to prepare a hard drive partition on which you will install the operating system. Also needed Windows distribution media.
So the first thing go to BIOS. This is done differently on different computers. But still, very often when starting the computer you need to press the Del key when booting the computer. After this you will be taken to the BIOS.
After entering the BIOS, find the menu section that is responsible for installing the OS. The location of this section may vary, since computers have different motherboards and, accordingly, different BIOS versions.
You need to find the menu FIRST BOOT DEVICE, BOOT or BOOT DEVICE. Why them? It is through them that you need to start installing the operating system through the BIOS. Now you must select the DVD drive or HDD drive (flash drive). This completes the preparatory installation process.
Now you need to exit the BIOS, saving all the changes you made before doing so. Most often this is done like this: the F10 key to exit and the Y key to save the changes made. After this, restart your computer. After rebooting you may see the following message:"Press any key for load from CD...". This message will appear if in the previous paragraph you selected a DVD disc as the OS distribution media. If a flash drive was used, the OS will start loading automatically after a restart.
How do you know if Windows installation has started? If everything is done correctly, something similar to this should appear on your monitor.

All this is just preparation for installing the operating system. Upon successful completion of preparation, you should see the message "Starting Windows". And almost immediately the Windows OS installation window will appear. Select all the parameters the same as in the screenshot below, and then click on the button "Next". Another window will immediately appear in which you will need to click on the button "Install".

A window with license terms will then appear. You need to check the box next to "I accept the license terms" and then press the " buttonNext". Everything is the same as with any other program installations. Next you will be asked to select the installation type. It is better to select the "Full installation".
The matter remains small. Now you will need to select the hard drive on which the operating system will be installed. There will be no difficulties with this. Next, the system will prompt you to choose a partition for the OS, but since they don’t exist yet, you will need to create it yourself.

Next, select the partition size, that is, set it yourself and click on the " buttonapply". After this, a window will appear with information that Windows can create additional partitions. Just press the button "OK", and then "Next". The installation process will begin.
After all the necessary system components are installed, the computer will restart. At this point, remove the OS distribution media from your computer.
Once the computer restarts, a window will open to complete the installation. You should see a window like this.

This process will take several minutes. After it, the initial setup of the operating system will begin. Here you will be asked to enter your username, computer name, and user password. You can also skip this one by clicking on the "Next". In principle, the main stage of installing Windows via BIOS is over. All you have to do is enter the key, accept the recommended settings and you can use the computer. As you can see, although this process is lengthy, there is actually nothing complicated about it.